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She wish she could say she hadn't expected this.

But she had, hadn't she? She had even told him that she knew he would wind up betraying her.

Still, it didn't make the sting any less painful.

Rushing through the halls of her castle she threw her bedchambers door open with a bang, slamming it shut quickly behind her. She had to pack quickly and get out of there while she still could. If she stayed, what would happen to her sisters?

A quiet voice in the back of her mind questioned what would happen to them when she left, but she brushed it aside. They'd be far safer if she left; if she instructed them to say that they had no idea of the magic she had-

Or better yet, if she could get a little help with erasing their memories of her magic in general. They wouldn't be forced to lie to the people then, for they truly wouldn't know.

Hearing footsteps quickly approaching her door, she swiftly waved a hand; causing the door handles to freeze over.

As she finished throwing some plain clothing into her bag she heard knocking on the door.


"Agda come on!"

"Please open the door!"

Agda remained silent; she finished packing as the first crack in the ice appeared. She whipped her head towards it, baffled at the sheer strength in which her sisters beat upon the door. It didn't matter though, not now that she was ready to leave. By the time they got through she'd be gone.

She heard her younger sister sob, "Agda please! We can figure this out!"

Shaking her head, she answered against her better judgement. "You don't understand Anna, I have to leave! It's the only way to keep you two safe." The beating on the door stopped the moment she responded, and she took the opportunity to pace forward and place her hand upon the door. Sealing the crack the two had made and reinforcing the ice around the hinges she breathed a sigh of relief.

"What about me?"

What about Elsa indeed.

Her other younger sister was also cursed with the same powers as she, and Agda had mourned for years for her sisters troubles before she finally found a cure. Or at least, as close to a cure as she could find.

"You'll be fine Elsa, just continue to wear the gloves as I've instructed. They will keep you from losing control. I've left directions for how to strengthen them as you grow older in your room under your pillow."

There was a pause so long that Agda had begun to wonder if they'd left, when Elsa spoke in a quiet voice. "You knew?"

Agda sighed, closing her eyes against the accusation. "Yes. I knew he would betray me; it was only a matter of time-"

"And you didn't try to stop it?" Elsa yelled incredulously, voice cracking in agony. "Why would you let this happen? Why would you just let him-"

"I've done all that I could Elsa." Agda murmured. "If you knew the efforts I went to to insure that he wouldn't... but I visited the Dark One, and he didn't lie when he said someone close to me would betray me. And that there was nothing I could do to stop it-"

A loud bang filled her room, and Agda starred wide eyed as a crack formed in the ice. "Elsa-" Another boom filled the room as another strike of magic hit the door. And another. And another. Before finally the doors flung open, and Agda's sisters flung themselves in her room and towards her.

Stumbling back as her sisters latched onto her, she stared wide eyed at the busted doors. "Elsa-"

"You can't leave." Anna interrupted, shaking her head. "We wont let you. Let us help you-"

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