Capitel 53

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Jisung and Minyung engage in an intense fight as Minyung approaches Jisung at full speed and grabs him by the collar. He then takes Jisung up into the air and throws him back onto the ground. As Jisung crashes to the ground at supersonic speed, he feels all of his air leaving his body.
"Just give up, little brother. Maybe then I'll spare your pathetic live," Minyung says mockingly out of the air, but Jisung gets up again and thinks. He now has new powers, but doesn't know how to use them.

Then he remembers the words of his great-great grandfather.
'Trust is the key!'
Jisung looks at his friends and family who seem to be worried for Jisung as they all give him a worried look. Jisung just has to trust that everything will be okay and that he will make the right decisions and that's exactly what Jisung does.
He stands up straight and stares at his brother from below. But he doesn't stay on the ground for long as his body slowly lifts off the ground and floats up to Minyung.
“You may be my older brother, but you act like a toddler,” Jisung says and Minyung doesn’t know what Jisung is trying to imply.

"You just go at it with your fists, but you have no tactics. You are jealous of your little brother instead of protecting and supporting him. You act like a child who doesn't get what he wants and therefore throws a tantrum. But should I tell you what follows after a tantrum?" Jisung says as he tilts his head slightly to the side. Minyung looks at him confused.
“And that would be?” Minyung asks, genuinely curious and already waiting for Jisung’s answer. “A lesson,” Jisung says and then shoots towards Minyung with such speed that it throws the older one backwards and Jisung pins him to the ground.

Jisung drags his brother along the ground through the dirt and then pushes him against a rock.
"You only have hate and pain in your heart and don't recognize the truth," Jisung says to him as he pushes him into the stone again and Minyung lets out a short cry of pain. “And w-what truth i-is there to know?” asks Minyung, who is still convinced that his brother is just talking nonsense.
"You have a loving mother, even if you think she doesn't. She only threw you out because you weren't yourself anymore. You have a father who always loved you more than me. I know it because I was constantly hearing how great Minyung is, even though I didn't even know who you were. You have a nation who go to war for you, even though they all recognize the madness. Yet they run to their deaths for YOU. You are too blind to realize that you have everything you could want in your life," Jisung says in a deep and serious voice.

“And yet father is with you,” Minyung replies. "Everything has always been given to you. You were born into the royal family. You were chosen to take the throne. You have a lot of incredible friends and now you not only have the all-powerful ring, but you are also the descendant of Luna ", says Miynung and fights against his brother's pressure, but Jisung lifts Minyung up briefly and then throws him against the stone again to press him even harder against it.
"UGH!" he hears his brother scream, but Jisung is filled with anger and feels no remorse.

"You have no idea what a sacrifice I have to make. I'm missing the chance to ever see my mother again just to be moongod. I'm going to have to live up there for the rest of my life, far away from all my friends and family. I can only visit her once a month. That's what you call a life worth living? I give up so much just to make peace and then I also find out that my own brother is my opponent. Do you actually understand the conflict between my head and my heart right now? It's so hard to look at you and do this to you, but I'm doing it to protect my people and I won't watch you destroy it all," Jisung says, finally letting him go.

Then he turns and looks up. Peace? Is it really peace if he has to kill his own brother? What's the point in that?
And then it comes to Jisung like a flash of inspiration.
"No," he says without really answering anything. “What?” Minyung speaks weakly as he tries to get up.
"I won't fight you anymore. Fighting is the opposite of what I want. How am I supposed to ensure peace if I have to achieve it through war," Jisung says and now everything makes sense to him. Jisung turns to his brother, who is still standing weakened in front of him.

"I won't fight anymore. Never again. There has to be another way and I have found it. Park Minyung, you are my brother and I love you even if you have done terrible things. You can kill me if you want. I won't defend myself anymore," says Jisung and Minyung, like the others, is shocked, but Jisung stands up for his arguments.
Minyung approaches him with his clawed hand, still soaked in the blood of others, and places the claws on Jisung's neck.
“I-I’ll do it,” Minyung says. “Okay,” Jisung replies dryly, but continues to stare into Minyung’s eyes. "I'm a monster. I won't feel any remorse for what I did and going to do," Minyung says and again Jisung just answers with an 'Okay!'

Minyung doesn't seem sure as he slowly sticks his claws into his brother's skin. The blood is already starting to flow from the small wounds and when Minyung looks into his brother's eyes, he doesn't see any reaction. No pain... nothing.
Jisung just looks at him and then he even smiles.
“It’s okay,” Jisung whispers to his brother. This sentence seems to have done something to Minyung, he immediately drops his hand and tears come to his eyes.
“I can’t,” Minyung says and Jisung just keeps smiling. “I know,” Jisung replies and takes his brother in his arms while he cries on his little brother’s shoulder.




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