Capitel 17

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"And that would be?" Sicheng asks his husband curiously and really hopes that it was something useful, otherwise he doesn't know if he can hold back any longer.
Sicheng is not a man of violence, but rather of love and peacefulness, so he has no hatred towards human, especially Jisung. He likes Jisung. He loves him like a son and because of that he's scared that something bad could happen to him and if it was his husband who hurts the boy then he'll have to show his dark side. Because even the most peaceful human or monster on earth or underworld can have a dark side.

"Honey, believe it or not, but Jisung is the-" but before Yuta can continue speaking, Jungwoo, Lucas, Sungchan, his parents and his brothers storm the room.
"What have you done Yuta?" Jungwoo calls out and immediately he sees Jisung sitting on the ground still in a trance.
"Jungwoo calm down. I'm sure he had a good reason," Lucas tries to reassure his husband, giving a look that says 'It would be better for you!'.

"Oh my god, calm down. Jisung wanted all this and I didn't get you, Jungwoo, because I didn't want to expose the danger to lose his trust," Yuta explains briefly.
"But why did Jisung even want to do it?" asks Jungwoo, who has meanwhile knelt down next to Jisung to check him out. It seems like Jisung is still stuck in his memories, but he has no health problems until now...
"Jisung could remember everything that happened in the first memory, although that's not possible," says Yuta, but Taeyong interrupts him.
"And why?" Taeyong asks and Yuta gets impatient. He doesn't want to have to explain everything five times and then never get to the essential point.
"Let me just finish my explanation," he says a little louder and everyone falls silent immediately.

"Well, Jisung shouldn't have remembered the memory anymore, because I take away the memory in this process. Unfortunately, that's a side effect, but that's not important. What's important is that Jisung was able to remember everything, but that's only possible if you are of royal blood. As well as the king from the legend with the omniscient ring where the king had all his knowledge and memories projected into the ring but he himself could still remember everything because he is royal. So Jisung and I wanted to find out if Jisung is also royal and that's why I searched in one of his old already long-forgotten memories", Yuta stops himself because he is gasping for air.

"What did you find out?" Jaehyun asks. They were all excited about Yuta's new insights.
"I saw Jisung as a small child, but also his father, however this was not the same man as in the first memory and besides, they were standing before the king of legend and I saw the legendary war. It was exactly the time when the king fell and his son disappeared," Yuta continues, and now everyone was shocked.
"That means Jisung is the prince's son?" Jaemin asks.
"It seems so," says Yuta, but she isn't quite sure herself. The memory was clear, but the rest doesn't make sense.

Then why did he grow up with humans? Why doesn't he have special powers? Who is this Minyung? What happened?
There are so many new questions, but no one has an answer. Even if they asked Jisung, they wouldn't know because Jisung didn't know himself.
"If Jisung really is the prince's son, then we really have a huge problem. The war against the vampires is a joke against it," Jaemin jokes to lighten the mood, but it really doesn't help.
"But are we sure if Jisung is one of the royal family?" Jungwoo asks, not sensing any sign of special blood in the boy.

"Why are you asking darling?" Lucas asks.
"As unicorns, we can tell humans from monsters apart by guessing their kind by their blood. It's a bit complicated to explain now, but I can definitely nit see any signs on Jisung that suggest some kind of monster." , explains Jungwoo and then Yuta thinks of something.
"Jisung's father also said that Jisung couldn't be the chosen one because he had no powers, but the king himself was firmly convinced that Jisung is the chosen one and that Jisung's father should trust the moon," explains Yuta and now everyone was back confused.

"What's the deal with the moon now?" Mark asks.
"According to an ancient tradition, it is said that the moon decides who will be the savior of all peoples and who will restore harmony to the world. Many have said that it was the king, but the king himself always said he isn't. In addition, the moon is also responsible for who is destined for whom. He is the decider for peace and love. But of course nobody knows it exactly, since nobody could ever ask the moon about it. I mean it is just a planet," says Sicheng, who once read a book about the ancient legends of the moon, but couldn't remember exactly either.

"So we can't ask anyone? Nobody can tell us who this boy is and why he should be here?" Jaemin asks in disbelief. He is fed up with being faced with open questions again and again and there are more and more.
"Unfortunately no. I could evoke more memories in Jisung, but that could kill the boy and then we'll have nothing again," says Yuta and the others are desperate.
"What should we do now?" Taeyong asks.
"I actually wanted Sungchan to wake up the boy, but I think we'll put him to bed first and let the boy sleep. Maybe he'll wake up on his own," says Yuta.

"Very well. I'll put him to bed," Jungwoo says and disappears with the boy. Lucas follows his husband. Then only the Lee and Nakamoto family are left in Yuta's meditation room.
"Yuta, what can we do? We need an answer, and as soon as possible," says Taeyong, but Yuta has no idea.
"We have to wait until Jisung wakes up again. If he remembers the memory, then we can be sure that Jisung is the king's descendant, if not then I need to know how Jisung got this memory," says Yuta.
"And how could he have gotten the memory?" Mark asks curiously.
"That would only be possible if he has the Ring of Knowledge..."

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