Capitel 16

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Yuta is in the long, dark hallway and sees all the different doors again, but this time he doesn't find a Jisung. He searches for the little boy for a long time, but he can't find him anywhere.
"How am I supposed to open the doors?" Yuta asks himself and ponders, but as he slowly walks through the hallway and passes some doors, suddenly he sees a door that is already open, but only a bit. He walks towards the door and takes a closer look.
"It's an already forgotten memory that is being erased...", Yuta notices and thinks about Jisung's words again.
"Search my memories again, or steal from me, but please only one that I can't remember anyway, okay?"
That's what Jisung asked him to do, so why not? So Yuta opens the door all the way and enters the memory.

As Yuta looks around, he can see an old man, a younger man, and a little boy.
"Jisung?" Yuta asks, looking closer at the little boy and actually. Yuta recognizes the child. It's Jisung standing next to a young man who is talking to an older man.
Jisung looks younger than the Jisung who guarding his memories. Yuta estimates him to be three years old.
"Jisungie would you please play over there for a moment. I have to talk to your grandfather about something," says the younger man.
'So the old man is Jisung's grandfather' thinks Yuta.
"Okay father," Jisung says, and that shocks Yuta a bit, because the young man who is apparently supposed to be Jisung's father doesn't look like the man in the other memory. He looks completely different. The stature, the face and especially his eyes. Yuta immediately noticed the young man's eyes. They are bright blue and the other father's were brown. Yuta is confused.

'Now who is Jisung's father?', but before he can think about it further, he sees little Jisung walking to the other end of the room and since it's just a memory of Jisung and not time travel, Yuta can only see and hear that what Jisung saw and heard back then. He hopes that Jisung was still able to observe what the two wanted to discuss. And indeed, little Jisung was already very curious back then and saw and heard his grandfather and father without them noticing.
"Father, what am I supposed to do? I can't leave you here alone," Jisung's father says to his father.
"My son. You have a son and it is your duty as my legal descendant to protect the people and your family," says the grandfather sensitively.

"But father, you are also part of my family. I lost my wife first, I can't lose you too," says Jisung's father stubbornly.
"Son, I admire your courage, but you cannot lose your mother and your son. Take the ring and all my knowledge and go away, please," says the grandfather and the young man looks at his father in shock. Yuta is also shocked by the knowledge.
'Is that the mighty king and that the ring of the legend? But that would mean that Jisung's father is the new rightful king and thus holder of the king's ring and knowledge.'
"My son, there are still many tasks waiting for you and Jisung. You have to train him and make him what he was destined to be," says the grandfather and Yuta becomes more curious.

"You always said he was the chosen one, but how should I know? Jisung doesn't even have special skills, how can he be the chosen one?" asks the young man and the grandfather looks disappointed.
"If you can't even believe the moon, how will you believe me? You really are a terrible father, son. Take Jisung and your mother and get out of the castle. Train him and you will see what Jisung can do." says the king with such a firm and convinced voice that the son gets scared and immediately bows.
"Yes, my king," he replies and then goes to Jisung without looking at his father.
"Come on, son. We have to go," says Jisung's father, grabbing his arms.
"But what about grandpa?" asks Jisung, looking at his grandfather, who gives him a nice smile.
"He's coming later," his father lies to him and they disappear from the hall.

Yuta decides to follow them a bit more and so he is following them.
The two run through the castle while Yuta follows them, he catches a glimpse out the window and sees something horrible.
He could see many monsters fighting each other. Many fell and some enjoyed slaughtering the others.
'Is this the war of the legend?' Yuta became more and more clear, but he was still missing a few details.

Suddenly, Jisung's father and Jisung stop in front of a door, but before they could enter the room, Yuta was snapped out of his memories and found himself in his meditation room with Jisung still sitting in front of him in a trance. He looked around to find the reason for the abrupt termination and found his husband and son standing beside him.
"What did you do?" Yuta asks a bit angry, because he wanted to find out more.
"You did it again without Jungwoo being there and even though he told you not to?" Sicheng asked angrily and disappointed.
"He wanted it that way. I wanted to get Jungwoo, but when Jisung wanted to know who I wanted to get Jungwoo, I couldn't tell him the truth, otherwise he might get scared that would create suspicion, so I had to do it without him," Yuta explains, but Sicheng was still not calmed down.

"But why did you do it anyway?" Sicheng asks.
"He wanted it that way. He asked me to investigate my suspicion and indeed I found something out, but not what we actually wanted to find out," explains Yuta and is very excited about his findings.
"And that would be?" Sicheng asks, looking menacingly at his husband. "And it's better something good that it was also worth it to put the boy in a state like this, because look at him," Sicheng continues and points to Jisung, who is still sitting there in a trance.
"Jisung?" Yuta asks, shaking the boy. "Jisung!?" he says louder. Normally the boy should wake up from the memory, but he's still stuck.

"What is father?" Shotaro asks his father. "He's stuck in his memory. Normally he has to wake up as soon as I get off the memory, but he's somehow stuck in it. We have to get him out of there immediately, otherwise he'll never wake up again and can die," says Yuta and immediately the others panic.
"We need Jungwoo and... Sungchan," says Yuta, and Shotaro immediately flies away in a flash, looking for the two people.
"I hope things turn out well for you, otherwise I can't promise you anything," Sicheng threatens him.
"I hope so too, because if what I found out is true, then we have a problem. A huge one..."

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