"Come on, I might know one way." Red took my hand and led me to an old treasure chest in Blue and Green's closet. "Even Green knows this is Blue's box and not to touch it. It has all of his favorite things in it. Blue let's us look at things just he's afraid of people touching them. "How old is Blue mentally?" I asked. "He's just stupid when it comes to obvious things. That's what makes him so cute and lovable by everyone. Why do you think Green fell for Blue in the first place?" Red asked me. "I honestly thought it was Blue's strength." I felt my face heating up a little by the thought of Blue pinning me to a wall with his big muscles. "Yeah, no." Red chuckled but heard Blue coming. "Is that Blue?" I felt the ground shaking a little and hid. So did Red and hid behind a door. "Hey, Green? You okay?" I heard Blue's voice and blushed. "Yeah. But you never let anyone touch your stuff that's in that chest. Why me?" Green sounded nervous. "Because your my boyfriend, and I've known you the longest so if you do break one, I'll forgive you. They're pretty old toys anyways, fucking 25 years old. I think I should let you play with them too." Blue opened the box and a bunch of old toys from the early 90's and 2000's were shown. "Here's my 2nd most favorite thing in the whole world." Blue pulled out a Green plush and it looked really old. "Am I your most favorite thing in the world, Blue?" Green chuckled. "Yes. And I hope me and my pool noodle can stay together forever." Blue giggled and snuggled up with Green. I sat there realizing how horrible it would be to break them up so I just sat there, silently crying to myself. I really wanted to be with Blue but Green would probably kill me but if I made Green kill himself, Blue would never be the same and never want to be with anyone ever again.

Green's pov

I heard Blue purring loudly so I started to pet him gently. "We should probably go brush your hair. It's all tangled." I felt Blue growl but I didn't care. "Come on." I wrapped my arms around him and he chuckled. "Green." Blue smiled at me because I picked him up and pinned him against the wall. He saw my neck and looked at it. "Blue?" I saw him sad. "Hm?" "You okay, love?" I heard him sigh then he kissed me. "I'm fine." He smiled and I let him down. "Okay." I held his hand and he giggled. 'He has been seeming more tired than usual. Why isn't he telling me now? Is it because he's more worried about me disappearing again and heading towards Red's office? Is it because I said I'd like to wait for a few years? Is he dying? Is he angry at me for scratching his side open?' I was staring at his crown then his neck which I saw tiny bite marks from me, but when I saw his side again, I felt tears forming in my eyes. I stopped walking and so did Blue because he didn't hear my feet squeaking. "Hun?" Blue saw my face. "Overthinking again, Green?" He touched my face and wiped away a few tears. "Hey. Everything's okay. I'm just tired, and worried Red might take you away, okay?" I heard Blue's voice and it sounded like he was telling he truth but I looked at him annoyed. "Come on. I'll let you snuggle me in the party room." Blue held my hand tightly and I smiled a little.

We went to sit in the corner and talk. "So.... is that all you're worrying about, Blue?" I looked up and Blue who was sleeping again, snoring. "Babe. Hey, wake up." I tickled his chin and he laughed. "Yeah, Green?" He scooched down and sighed, his face on my chest. "I was wondering if you're worried about anything else?" I felt him whine. "I am worried about Pink. I don't want her near you at all because... I might've overheard something about Red asking her to break us up, or kill you. I don't remember when I heard that, or it might've been a dream, but now I'm worried and I don't want to see you dead." Blue's arms tightened around me and he sniffled sadly. "Okay. I promise I'll be careful, and if they tell me something, I'll tell you about it. Okay?" I rubbed his back and he purred. "Okay. And I'll try to open up more about my dreams instead of focusing on yours." Blue rubbed my side and sighed. "Fluffy." He chuckled and I gave him head pats. "What the fuck?! Is this for real??!" We heard a human kid and we got scared. "Shit!" Blue got up and went after the human. I sat there, hearing he kid screaming in the distance and Blue chasing them. I giggled because Blue's laughing at the human being scared shitless was cute. "I love his laugh." I said to myself but Pink came out of nowhere and sat next to me. "Hey." Pink felt my arm. "Do you ever get anxious of how thin you are compared to your fluffy bear of a boyfriend? I mean, he could crush you if he wanted to and all you can do is wrap him up in your very long, annoying arms. I bet he doesn't even tell you he could possibly be trans and be pregnant by you. Ever think of that? It might explain why he's always hungry, very sleepy, and him being very sensitive and defensive, and also very, very protective. Has he thrown up in the mornings yet, for no reason?" Pink saw me thinking about all of that. "He or Red would've told me he was a girl once, but his ovaries and everything else would've been surgically removed due to Red so.... that wouldn't make sense. And I've also never seen a scar where it would be removed." I was overthinking again and getting panicky. "But I'm his closet friend and his boyfriend. Why wouldn't he ever tell me this if he actually is trans." I held my head in my hands and I heard Pink laugh and run away. "Oh, God. Please don't tell me I did. He would've told me otherwise. Also... we've had sex before. I've never.... have I?" I was about to cry. I didn't realize Blue came back and seeing me panic. "Babe? You okay?" He got closer but I just placed my face on his stomach and he froze. "Ummm..." He stood there, being confused but then came back to reality.  "Green? You okay?" Blue asked and started to pet me. "Are you trans?" I asked. "No. I am male and born male. I don't know who told you otherwise." Blue heard Pink giggling. "Oh my god... did you really think you got me pregnant? And everything else Pink probably said?" Blue tried to look at my face but I didn't want my face off of Blue's stomach. "Ow." Blue said because I accidentally dug my hand into his side. "Sorry." I felt his hand on my back but then heard him whimpering in pain. "Did I really dig my claws into your side again?!" I looked up to see Blue gripping his side so I stood up and let him lean on me. "Come on, let's go take care of that." I picked him up and he gripped my chest. "Don't worry, Blue. I'll take care of you." I went to Red to help with this. "Hey, Red?" I opened his door and he looked at Blue. "Green, I swear to god--" "Just help me get his side stitched back up, please?" I said and Red sighed and pointed at a table. "You should be more careful, Green. You're going to kill him one day." Red said and saw Blue sleeping with his head on my shoulder. "Just hold him still while I clean it. And hears some pain killers for tomorrow since he's passed the fuck out." I smiled at Red but then Blue grumbled in his sleep and he held my hand.

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