Chapter 18 ~ how much? ~

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Andy and Lhong showed Champ and Ian to the room they had prepared for them both before leaving them to rest and arranging to meet up again for lunch at 12.30pm then Lhong went to make sure everything was ready for the imminent arrival of their VVIP guest.

Andy went back to their suite to work on his animations and Chet contacted Lhong to see if he needed assistance. When Lhong said thanks but no thanks Tap called the real estate guy and asked him if they could have another look at the property with the separate annex so Chet drove them there.

At 9.50am, Lhong and Andy stood on the roof of the resort awaiting their guest and within minutes a helicopter flew in and landed several feet away from them before half a dozen security guards jumped out.

Behind them, a very pale looking Singto Prachaya climbed out carefully with his arm in a cast being supported by a sling. He ducked down while a member of his security held his head to protect him from the whirring blades.

A couple of the other guards extracted his luggage and as soon as they were all clear the chopper took off leaving them in peace. 

"hey Singto" Lhong called out smiling

"Lhong" Sing' replied looking worse for wear.

"we have a cottage ready for you, do you need a wheelchair to get there? it's a few minutes walk down the beach" Lhong said.

"no, I'll be fine walking but my security will need to go on ahead to check it out"

"I'll take them first and you guys can follow behind" Andy said calling out to the guards.

The resort seemed to come to a stand still as Singto Prachaya walked through the building and out of the back entrance. Girls who were sunbathing by the pool squealed in shock as they saw him pass by, some annoyed that they hadn't worn their best bikinis or applied make up.

A few male guests glanced in his direction, some in envy and some in desire. Singto was used to it all, it didn't bother him anymore. After several minutes of walking down the beach they came to the end of the line and arrived at Chet's cottage.

Two of the guards went ahead and checked the perimeter of the property while two more checked inside for recording devices and cameras and when they gave the all clear, Singto went inside and surveyed the cottage.

It was so pretty with plants and flowers, it would do nicely while he rested up for a few weeks. Three guards went to the front of the property and three on the beach, they would need some form of shade to protect them from the sun and somewhere to sit while they did their jobs so Lhong made a mental note to sort that out, he also asked Sing' if he had any special dietary requirements or allergies and  his fridge would be stocked accordingly.

Confident that everything was ok, Lhong informed him that the resort manager Chet was staying just next door with his boyfriend Tap then Lhong and Andy invited him up to the penthouse suite this evening for a private dinner with Kiri, Kan and a couple of friends and Singto agreed to come.

They left him in peace after telling him to get in touch if he needed anything and strolled back up the beach to the resort hand in hand. After they left, Singto went to the bathroom to freshen up, how the hell was he supposed to bathe with his arm like this, he didn't want to ask one of the guards to help him, that was a bit too personal.

He struggled a bit but managed to splash water on his face with one hand then after dabbing it dry he went to lay on the bed, the painkillers took effect and he fell asleep. When he woke up he saw it was 3.20pm, he had slept for hours.

He needed to use the toilet, wash and change and his wrist was aching again, he guessed it was time for more medicine. It was becoming pretty obvious he couldn't manage alone, it wasn't too bad before because his agent had helped him but he couldn't be with him all the time.

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