Chapter 11 ~falling deeper ~

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Tap went through the door which Chet had pointed to and found himself in what looked like Chet's bedroom. It was very tastefully decorated in forget-me-not blue and ivory and the bed looked mighty inviting right now, it had been a wonderful but tiring day,

Ten minutes later Chet entered the bedroom wearing cotton shorts and a loose white top and he was rubbing his damp hair.

"let me do that for you" Tap said.

"that's ok, I can manage" Chet said.

"don't be so damned independent Chet, let someone take care of you for a change" Tap said.

He took the towel and went to stand in front of Chet raising his arms to gently rub his hair. He continued this action for several minutes before moving his hands down to hold Chet's face secure, the towel still in his hands.

Tap couldn't help but gaze into his eyes as his thumbs lightly brushed against Chet's cheeks, neither spoke as Tap slowly lowered his face to capture Chet's lips in a tender kiss, it was the perfect ending to a perfect day. Only one other thing could surpass it though it was too soon for that but when it did happen and Tap was now confident that it would, he would never let this adorable boy go.

He had never been attracted to a man before but there was something about Chet and it wasn't just his captivating smile, there was something more, it really was as if it was meant to be. If the way he felt when that Nut guy and Phong flirted with Chet was anything to go by, Tap knew he was fast falling in love with him.

They slept well and the following morning after breakfast, the pair promised to visit again soon before heading back to the resort and before they arrived Tap asked Chet to join him for dinner again to use up the meat from the hamper.

Chet said yes then when they got back they went to their cottages to do their own thing. After deciding to make steak, salad and jacket sweet potatoes, Tap took a shower before going to sit outside.Chet has also caught up with a few chores then he also had gone to site on his porch.

It seemed a bit silly sitting a few metres away from one another so Tap invited Chet over to his cottage and made them both a cool drink then they had chatted for a while before Tap said he was going to take a siesta and invited Chet to join him.

"my cottage is only next door" he replied.

"but we have plans later anyway and it's not like we haven't slept together before" Tap shrugged before continuing,

"well it's up to you, you're welcome to join me or I'll see you later ..." Tap said fiddling his hair before going inside.

After considering it, Chet decided to do join him, he was right, it's not like they hadn't shared a bed before. He stood by Tai's bed wondering if he was doing the right thing before Tap spoke,

"just lie down Chet, I can hear you thinking" 

When Chet finally woke from his siesta he discovered that he was alone and picking up his cell phone he saw it was 5.30pm, he must have been really tired to sleep for so long. When he walked into the main part of the guest cottage he saw that Tap was preparing dinner.

"hello sleepy head" Tap had said and Chet had apologized for sleeping for so long.

Chet had offered to help with dinner but Tap assured him that everything was just about ready. They had dined outside on the porch and watched the sun setting across the gulf then chatted amicably about various subjects before Chet helped with the dishes.

Tap had made them a coffee and after drinking it Chet had thanked Tap for the meal before heading back to his own cottage. It had been difficult to get to sleep, probably because of sleeping all afternoon but he had eventually fallen asleep.

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