Chapter 7 ~ set up ~

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"is he ok? what happened?" Tap asked.

"we think it's something he ate, he's not used to our really spicy food after all" Lhong added

"is there anything I can do to help?" Tap asked.

"no, I'm taking care of my baby, he's in bed at the moment but you go ahead and enjoy the food with Chet"

"there's far too much for us Lhong"

"then put it in the fridge, there's always tomorrow and the day after, look I have to go mate, I can hear Andy stirring" Lhong said.

"yes, yes you go ahead, call me if you need anything" Tap replied.

"will do mate, goodnight" Lhong said ending the call and winked at Andy who was sat munching on potato chips while watching a BL drama

"you fibber" he teased his fiancé

"it's all for a good cause" Lhong replied smiling and going to join Andy on the sofa.

Back at the cottages, Tap looked over at Chet who was gazing across the gulf, the sun had set, the string lights had come on and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue but it would start turning grey very soon.

"They can't make it Chet, Andy is sick" Tap told him.

"oh right, then I guess I'll take off" Chet replied turning to head back to his cottage.

"wait, are you really going to leave me to eat all this food by myself? Tap asked.

"I don't want to impose" Chet replied.

"but you were happy to come when Lhong and Andy were going to come, what's the difference?"

"I guess you have a point, then if you're sure it's ok?" Chet asked him.

"positive, let me take two place settings away and put the fish on to grill" Tap said rearranging the table.

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Chet sat down at the table and Tap joined him before pouring them some of the medium dry white which had been in the hamper. They toasted to Tap finding his dream home then munched on breadsticks while they waited for the bass to grill.

The view was stunningly beautiful at this time of the evening and when the bass was cooked, Tap plated it up and brought it to the table. The leafy salad and the sweet potato went well with the grilled seabass and the citrus of the orange segments added a tangy dressing.

They could hear soft music which drifted over from the beach bar at the resort, sometimes it was clear then it would fade as the gentle breeze carried it in another direction.

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