Chapter 12 ~ house hunting ~ 🔞

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En route to the second property they found a roadside eatery where they stopped for lunch and reviewed the print outs again. They dined on seafood and afterwards while they lingered over coffee they discussed the different properties and which ones Tap was most anxious to view.

It turned into a long drawn out afternoon and when Tap asked Chet his opinions he had to confess he liked the one with the separate annex, it had a lot of character and potential.

Tap told the agent he would have a think about them and get back to him then they decided to go back to Chet's parent's house because they were both tired and irritable and Bophut was closer than the resort.

Chet's parent's were delighted to see the boy's again and couldn't believe that Chet had visited twice in one week. They were even more convinced that Tap was a positive influence on their son and that he could encourage him to slow down and enjoy life more.

Chet's mum asked them if they were sleeping over again and they gratefully acquiesced then after dinner Chet and Tap offered to do the dishes while Chet's parents decided to have an early night 

After washing the dishes and making sure the house was secure, Chet and Tap went upstairs to Chet's bedroom and Tap went to get a shower first. Chet found him an old sweater and some shorts to sleep in and when Tap returned from the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his hips, Chet didn't know where to look.

"I left you some clothes on the bed" he said quickly before rushing out to get a shower himself.

When he returned Tap was sitting up in bed and watched him as he moved around the bedroom.

"are you just going to sit and stare?" Chet asked.

"sorry, am I making you feel uncomfortable?" Tap replied.

"a little" Chet answered honestly.

"look, I think we need to have a serious conversation Chet" Tap said.

"serious conversation, about what?" Chet asked.

"surely you can't be that naive?" Tap said.

"I'm sorry, I'm not following?" Chet replied.

"I want to talk about us"


"how long are we going to play this game where you pretend you're just helping out a guest?" Tap asked.

"but it's true"

"you're in denial Chet, you must feel there's something there, it can't be just me who feels it?"

 "only the other day you were adamant that you're not into dudes" Chet said.

 " I should have rephrased it, what I meant was I've never been into dudes before" Tap replied.

"anyway just because you want something doesn't mean you have to have it" Chet said.

"what the hell kind of logic is that? if everyone thought like that no one would ever date" Tap responded.

"but we're not talking about everyone else, we're talking about you and I and yes, I feel something when we spend time together but that doesn't mean it's romantic, it could just be because we have an history and you're mistaking an old connection for something else"

"then let's put that theory to the test shall we?" Tap said as Chet climbed into the bed.

"I have friends in the states whom I've known for many years but I've never wanted to do this with any of them" Tap said leaning forward.

He lifted a hand and captured Chet's chin stroking his thumb across the fleshy part before swooping in to seal his lips. Tap couldn't help groaning as he ran his tongue against Chet's upper lip before nipping at it.

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