Chapter 5 ~ my guy'd ~

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The following morning Tap was up at 6am and after looking at the supplies in the fridge he decided to make a spanish omelette and slice a little fruit. He didn't know if Chet preferred tea or coffee so he would just wait until he arrived before making the drinks.

He jumped in the shower then dressed in jeans, a white tee shirt and a blue overshirt then went to the kitchen to start chopping vegetables. Most people just used potatoes and onion but he liked to put a bit of everything in there for the color.

Usually he would have thrown in a few frozen peas but considering his supplies he opted to use finely chopped green chilli and red pepper, diced green onion and he used a third of a sweet potato.

Once the veg was diced he cut up a little fruit and plated it then at ten to seven he turned on the stove to start frying the veg. There was a knock on the door and assuming it was Chet, Tap called out saying that it was unlocked then he went back to whisking some eggs in a jug.

"good morning sir, can I help with anything?" Chet asked.

"well you can stop calling me sir for a start but thank you no, it's almost ready so please, take a seat" Tap replied.

When the sweet potato was golden and crispy it was time to add the whisked eggs to the pan and turning the heat down a little, Tap left it to cook through. By rights it should go in the oven but this method worked just as well in a pinch.

"ok, tea or coffee?" Tap asked his guest.

"tea please" Chet said blushing a little, he wasn't used to being waited on and certainly not by a paying guest.

"coming right up" Tap said as he boiled some water.

"you certainly know your way around a kitchen Tap" Chet acknowledged.

"it was a case of need's must, my dad died not long after we went to live in America so while mum worked, I kept the house and cooked for us both then she also left me so I guess it's a good job I could cook" Tap said.

"your mum left you?" Chet's eyes widened.

"sorry, well what I meant was she also passed away last year hence my decision to come back to Thailand" Tap clarified.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to open old wounds" Chet said.

"that's ok, you didn't exactly force me to talk about it" Tap responded.

"so... do you want to use my car, it's not posh but it will get us from A to B" Chet asked.

"sure, thank you"

Tap dished up the food and passed a plate over to Chet before telling him to dig in then he sat down to eat his own.

"Mmmmm this is really good" Chet said beaming again.

"thankyou, enjoy"

They ate quietly for a while until the plates were clean and Chet stood to gather the dishes.

"please, sit, you're my guest today so allow me" Tap encouraged Chet to sit again before taking the dishes and making short work of washing them.

"ok, I'm ready whenever you are" he said after stacking the dishes to air dry.

"great and thank you for breakfast Tap it was a rare treat for me" Chet said again with a beaming smile to follow.

Tap grabbed his keys, wallet, cellphone and shades then they both left the cottage. They had to walk further up the beach past Chet's cottage to get to his car and Tap couldn't help checking out his home.

He had tubs and planters filled with flowers and plants on the deck, hanging baskets above those, and an inviting looking table with two chairs stood amidst the flora. If the inside was anything like the front, Tap imagined it would be very pretty just like the person who lived there.

Wait, did he really just think that? again he had to remind himself he wasn't into dudes as the pair made their way around the cottage to the road at the front where under a car port was Chet's modest runaround, a toyota yaris.

"as I said, it's not posh, it's an old one I got third hand but it will get us where we want to go" Chet said.

"it's cool, can I drive?" Tap asked

"sure if that's what you want but I can assure you I'm a pretty good driver" Chet replied.

"but today you're my guide and co pilot ... ok I admit, I'm a bit of a control freak" Tap smiled.

Chet handed Tap his key's before walking around to the passenger side to climb in. Tap climbed in and put the key in the ignition before looking at Chet and they both smiled to one another.

"ok, where to first?" Tap asked.

"you wouldn't have to ask if you let me drive" Chet asked.

"you just sit there looking pretty and tell me where to go" Tap said and Chet felt his skin flaming.

"it's a wonder I can run the resort, I don't know how I manage without some big hairy dude helping me" Chet replied sarcastically.

"easy tiger, I was just trying to be nice" Tap said laughing.

"just turn left onto the highway and I'll direct you, we'll drive through Bophut first where my family lives and I'll take you to see a real estate agent I know there" Chet said.

"do you want to visit with your family while we are there?" Tap asked.

"thankyou but no, this is about you right now" Chet said.

"well let me know if you change your mind, it wouldn't hurt to stop for half an hour" Tap said.

"it wouldn't be half an hour with my mum, she would want us to sleepover" Chet laughed.

They drove for several kilometers before Chet told Tap to pull up in front of a row of stores, there was a convenience store with a tiny post office inside, a small cafe and what looked like a tourist information centre.

Chet led them into the tourist place where there were shelves of brochures and maps and coupons and information from different restaurants, hotels, bed & breakfasts and a water park. Chet walked right through the store to the back room where there was a handsome young man sitting behind a desk.

"Phong, how are you?" Chet asked as he wai'd to the older man.

"Chet, what a lovely surprise, I've not seen you in ages" the guy called Phong said.

He stood up and walked around his desk to pull Chet into a bear hug while patting him on his back then he pushed him a little way away still keeping his hands on Chet's shoulders.

"what are you doing here and who is this?" Phong said looking at Tap.

"allow me to introduce Mr Tap Sittanasong, he's a long term guest at the resort and he needs to see some properties or land so I thought of you first" Chet replied beaming at his friend.

Phong walked over to Tap and held out his hand,


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