Chapter 17 ~ friends reunited ~

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Back at Tap's cottage, he and Chet were sitting on the porch to watch the sun set when Chet received a call from Lhong,

 "hey Chet, I'm sorry to bother you but we have a VVIP arriving tomorrow and I might need your assistance" Lhong said.

 " sure, well it is my job after all ... so where are you putting him, her? " Chet asked.

 "it's a him, and he's requested a cottage so which one would you recommend?" Lhong asked.

 "how high profile is the guy? " Chet said.

 "very, you may have heard of him, it's Singto Prachaya" Lhong said expecting the usual screaming but he had forgotten how focussed Chet was.

 "right, ok so how about this, my cottage is right at the end of the resort's beach, I'll clear my stuff out and get one of the girls to bring brand new resort linens and towels and to stock the fridge then he can stay in there, if we place security between my place and the cottage Mr Sittanasong is renting, no one will be able to access it from the beach and it won't interfere with the resort guests"

 "that's a great idea Chet, are you sure it's ok?"

 "of course, I'll move up to the resort "

Tap who had been listening to the conversation spoke up then,

 "no, you can stay here with me"

 "is that ... are you with Tap?" Lhong asked.

 " yes he is Lhong, we're dating" Tap interjected.

 " wha ... hey, that's great, I am so pleased for you guy's" Lhong couldn't hide his joy at their news.

 "I'll clear out my cottage after dinner Lhong, Mr Prachaya will need security for the front as well"

 "yes he's already arranging that Chet so it seems we're almost good to go, oh and Kiri is arriving in a day or two, we have friends flying in from the UK" Lhong said.

 "very well Lhong, just let me know if you need anything else oh and we need to know if he has any special dietary requirements or allergies" Chet said.

 "will do and I'll get that information Chet, we can all work together for now so there's no need to ruin your down time" 

 "ok, I'll let you know when the cottage is ready" Chet said.

 "excellent, goodnight Chet, goodnight Tap" he shouted in case he was on speaker.

 " night Lhong" Tap said smiling.

The pair sat for a while and watched the sun set before Tap got up to start making dinner, it was all very domestic, even more so now he knew that Chet was 'moving in' after dinner and he couldn't wait.

He had already decided to put an offer in for the property with the separate annex though he hadn't told Chet yet, he wanted it to be a surprise. There was something about the house which tugged at him and at the end of the day if after moving in they didn't like it they could always let it and find somewhere else.

After dinner they both went to Chet's cottage to gather his things and strip the bed before heading back to Tap's rental then Chet called the resort and requested that a member of staff bring new linens and prepare the cottage for the imminent arrival of the guest.

After all the preparations had been made Chet got some maintenance guys to cordon off the beach between his cottage and Tap's and the rest was the responsibility of the guest's security.

Chet and Tap soon retired to continue to indulge their new found relationship.

As they and everyone else slept, Ian and Champ, sat beside one another on the plane heading to Thailand. Everything had been arranged with precision by Kiri who had upgraded Ian's flight that Andy had booked then when they landed on the mainland the KJ Industries chopper would fly them over to the island.

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