✙Chapter Two✙

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Chapter Two

Brando and I were in the bathroom and he took out a first aid kit. I was glaring at him the entire time. He was about to wrap my hand, but I pulled away.

"I'm about to slap the fuck out of you. I can wrap it myself." I mumbled.

"No you can't." He informed.

"Yes! I can." I started to wrap up my hand skillfully and Brando chuckled a little.

"How can you do that?"

"You should know. Since you guys know every fucking thing about me." I said still wrapping my hand.

"You tell me." I breathed out loud not looking at him. I don't want to converse to my somewhat killers that will hunt me. Well one of them.

"I go... well used to go to NYU for nursing." I said softly finishing up the wrap. "This year would of been my last year." I mumbled almost on the brink of tears. All Brando said was hmm and took my hand into his.

"What were you thinking of punching me then punching the wall with the same hand?" He asked in an amusing tone. I shrugged my shoulders. Brando lifted my hand up to his lips and kissed it. "There. All better. Are we cool like the other side of the pillow?" He smiled at me. If I was in a different situation I would blush and compliment on his gorgeous smile and how his blond hair falls flawlessly on his face. But I'm not in a different situation. Instead I did this,

"Fuck off." Fucking bastard. I said pushing past him and went into the room slamming the door. I got on top of the bed and looked up at the ceiling. My tears were going into my ears regardless of how much I was whipping them away. They wouldn't stop forming inside my eyes. Why did this have to happen to me? Why me?


"Miss. Creed." Shaun said in a horrible British accent.

"Yes Mr. Jackson." I said doing the same.

"When are you going to get yo fat ass up so we could get something to eat?!" He yelled playfully at me. I signed turning away from my school work to look at him.

"Shaun I have to finish my Spanish paper for Ms. Gonzalez. You know how that women is." I said looking back at my paper. I only had three pages done. I only need to do two more.

"You just have to be so smart. Why couldn't you stop taking Spanish like I did in sophomore year?"

"Because colleges want more than three years now and AP Spanish is no joke." I sighed putting my head down on my desk. 

"Do you know what you need Aziz?"

"No." I said with my head still down.

"A break. You need a break. Now... take this glorious break with me." I looked up at Shaun and saw his brown hand extending to me. "Don't be afraid. Of the path you'll take." Shaun said in a singing voice. I laughed at him a little.

"Shaun I-"

"Stop right there ma. We're going out. Ight?" I sighed smiling up at him and took his hand into mine. "Finally! We is going to da club!" Shaun said snapping his fingers acting like a drunk girl.

"We're seniors in high school."

"And?" Shaun said holding up fake ID's.

"You didn't."

"I did."

"Did I tell you how much I love you?" I asked smiling.

"Actually... no!" Shaun shouted.

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