He walks over to a large metal box and begins rooting around. Gale mumbles and I lean in closer to hear while looking over at the box in confusion.

My Dad beams, "I thought we could exterminate this one together...another one bites the dust sort of thing."

"What's in the box?"

"It's my toolbox, my box of tricks if you like."

Gale begins to croak and feebly strain against the straps. Dad bellows in delight.

"Do you know it's crazy... he actually thinks he can break free."

Frustrated tears run down my face, "Please Daddy. Please let him go, then I'll stay with you, honest I will."

"No can do sweetie."

He turns his attention to Gale, spits in his face then bursts out laughing. I jump up immediately ready to fight but he pushes me back so hard that the chair collapses. I groan as he pulls me up roughly and tosses me into a corner like a toy he's lost interest in.

He slaps his head in frustration, "When in the name of God are you going to learn? Huh? Tell me that at least! Do you think I enjoy hurting you?"

"I'm sorry," I sniffle wiping my nose on my sleeve.

He looks at me distastefully, "That's a foul habit."

He throws me some tissues from a side table and sits by the door observing us both while tapping his knees, "As I said I've been watching you for a long time, Melissa." He hesitates, "I know everything."

I look at him a bit more boldly than I actually feel, "If you're going to kill us then get on with it. I'm sick of listening to you."

He stands up, "Then that would take away the fun, you see without the build-up, the delicious anticipation, killing would just be killing can you understand that?"

I exhale in exasperation, "Then for fuck's sake just let us go."

He shakes his head disapprovingly, "Do you know you never even knew what bad language was when you lived with me, I hope you know it's not ladylike...makes it seem like you were brought up in the gutter."

"Screw ladylike!" I scream.

He walks towards Gale sighing, "I can see you need a short sharp lesson. Now apologize!"

"Fuck you!"

He shakes his head..."Very well, the hard way it is."

He stands by an iron which has been heating silently on the floor. I look at Gale then stumble over to a small sink as vomit races up my throat. I know I'm done for, no doubt about it. 'Dear God please help us,' I whisper. I doubt he's listening... he abandoned me a lifetime ago.

There's a hushed silence as my eyes focus on the iron colour change from amber to green. Dad holds the iron up dramatically and moves slowly, twirling it around, delighting in the way that Gale begins to twitch and squirm.

The colour drains from my face. "No! I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry!"

He stops, iron posed ready to strike, "Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry Daddy for my inexcusable rudeness."

His arm dallies in mid-air before placing the iron down. "Apology accepted. Now come and give your father a kiss and we'll say no more about it."

I hug him stiffly then he sits me on the bed and walks towards the door.

"I'm going to make a cup of tea, be back soon. " he hesitates, "And while I'm gone I suggest that Gale think back on his life and all the things he could have done better as his time has just about run out."

He slams the door and turns the key viciously.

I lean over Gale and hug him watching silent tears trickle down his face.

"Listen, Gale, I'm going to get us out of here somehow, don't you worry."


"I'll think of something...I just have to think."

My mind begins to race into Kizzy mode as I think out various scenarios. They are all very well for clients but not so hopeful for sadistic serial killer dads. I stand up and walk around the room checking for small windows, shafts, anything that can offer an opportunity. My hands pull against the door handle which is one hundred per cent locked. 'It was worth a try.' My head swerves frantically, there's nothing, no way out, I think of Lulu and the homeless girl and how terrified they must have been. Looking down at Gale I fight to control a bubble of rage.

"How could you let yourself get picked up by this guy after last time?" I scream.

"I didn't know he was your bloody dad did I?"

I ignore him, "You're missing the point, he beat you up yet you feely went back for more?"

He turns away embarrassed, "It wasn't that simple, he was flashing a wad of cash...and he had stuff."

My eyes blaze with fury, "You got into his car because he had drugs? Unfucking believable! I told you to stay clear but you never listened and now look, here we are."

I turn away in an attempt to calm myself then speak softly fearful of being overheard.

"Our only chance is for me to pretend to go along with what he wants."

Gale gasps, "But he's going to kill me."

"I know but if I play it carefully, convince him that I'm joining forces, gain his trust..."

He sneers choking back a fresh batch of tears.

"Have you got any better ideas then?"

He shakes his head.

"Well shut the Hell up and play your part ok."

He turns his head awkwardly and weeps into the pillow. I look away there's no more time for babying him. It's all out war now do or die.

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