During the day, Chu Xia and An An stayed in the upper bunk reading, playing backgammon and resting. Except when eating and going to the toilet, the two of them would not leave the bunk.

The car passed through many stations, both large and small. Some stations stopped for a long time, and passengers on the car would go out to smoke cigarettes, buy something, and stretch their legs.

But Chu Xia had never gone down there. She had food with her, and if she wanted to eat, there was something for sale on the train, as well as peanut and melon seed soda. There was no need to go down, and it was not safe.

There is also the possibility of missing the train. In early summer, we saw passengers being thrown off because they were delayed for too long and failed to get on when the train started.

When Cen Huaian arrived in the afternoon, he couldn't help but ask Chu Xia: "Mom, where are Heizi and Huangzi put now? I really want to see them."

Chu Xia also wanted to go. She took Cen Huaian down from the sleeper berth and happened to see a conductor passing by their carriage. Chu Xia asked her if she could go see the checked puppies.

The conductor checked her ticket and said, "It's OK, but there are all kinds of animals inside and it smells bad. Are you sure you can go?"

Chu Xia nodded without any hesitation: "Go."

"Okay, come with me."

The conductor took Chu Xia and Cen Huai'an to the back and said to them as they walked: "We don't know where the dogs you are transporting are. You can find them by yourself. Also, you can't disturb other livestock, so those Don't get close to cattle, sheep, etc., keep your movements small, and keep your voice soft."

After talking all the way, the three people arrived at the last carriage. The conductor opened the door and took them in. The smell of various livestock came from the door. I couldn't tell what the smell was, but it was very smelly and unpleasant.

The conductor covered his nose and said, "I'll just say it stinks. You can find it yourself."

After that, he quickly exited.

Chu Xia and Cen Huaian also felt the smell, but they were more worried about Heizi and Huang Zi, so they began to search in each cage.

The consignments were all large animals, including small puppies. This one was placed in front, and they soon saw Huang Zi and Heizi.

Because of the crowded space and stagnant air, the two puppies lay limply in the cage, without energy at all.

Chu Xia and An An had never seen two puppies like this before, and they felt extremely distressed.

"Heizi, Huangzi." The cage was a bit high, and An An tried hard to reach it and touch the puppy, but she couldn't do it.

The two puppies immediately became excited when they saw their owner. They pushed their heads against the cage and complained to their owners about their grievances.

Cen Huaian became even more anxious after hearing this. He stood on tiptoes and tried to reach it, but still couldn't reach it.

At this time, Chu Xia reached out and picked him up with strength, and An An finally touched the two puppies.

However, Chu Xia only lasted for a while. She gritted her teeth and felt that she had exhausted all her strength. She quickly asked Cen Huai'an: "An'an, are you okay?"

The voice has changed due to excessive exertion.

Hearing Cen Huaian's "hmm", Chu Xia immediately let go, and his clothes followed Chu Xia's arms and moved up to his chest.

Dressed as a prodigy genius villain's motherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon