Chapter Six: Crackheads

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Six woke up with her chest feeling heavy. It was hard for her to breath, and she was wondering if she was coming down with something. When she opened her eyes, however, she saw Kunou sleeping on her.

"Huh?" Six knew she could be unflappable, but she wasn't expecting to see the yokai in her room.

Kunou stirred, before letting out a large yawn. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking around before noticing Six looking at her. She smiled sleepily.

"Good morning." Kunou said, laying her head back on Six's chest.

"Um, excuse me, what are you doing in my house?" She asked. Kunou looked at her and smiled sheepishly.

"Well, it was scary in the park, and it's my first time sleeping away from my mom." She frowned. "Speaking of which, do you know how hard it was to sleep on you? I've never had a problem sleeping on my mom."

Six sat up as best she could. "That's rough, but not my problem. How did you get in?"

"Well, you said you lived around the area, and I was able to sense you because of your odd life energy. Then I climbed through the window. Also, your TV screen is broken." Kunou said.

"Huh? Is it?" Six asked, going to investigate. Sure enough, the screen was in shatters on the floor. When she went to pick up a piece, a shudder ran through her body.

This... this feels like the Nowhere...

Her mind instantly jumped to the boy from before. This worried her. Her thoughts then drifted to Mono. He always had a weird... thing is the only word she could describe it with... for televisions. Could he and the boy have some connection?

Of course, there was one possibility that Six tried her hardest to not think about.

"What's wrong? You've gone stiff." Kunou said. She went to touch Six's shoulder, and Six swatted her hand away. She stood up, thinking to herself.

"I'm going to school." She said finally. She grabbed her bag and was almost out the door, before realizing she needed to eat. She then realized that she wasn't hungry. That was odd. She shrugged it off and looked at Kunou.

"I'll see you later, if you decide to stay here." She said. Kunou nodded and Six closed the door. She walked out and down to the crosswalk. It was there she heard Issei calling her name.

"Six!" He called, running up to her. She turned to him.


"Why is it you never wait for me?" He asked, panting. She thought about that, genuinely. She did have the tendency to leave him behind. Him, as well as Akeno, and now Kunou.

And Mono.

She thought back to her bag-headed friend, and almost smiled at the good memories.

"Still reminiscing on the past, child?"

Six mentally jerked. It was that voice from before, when she tried to give life to Kunou. This time, only, it wasn't screeching at her.

Who are you?

"Your power. I am the darkness you control." Six saw the darkness manifest, and she looked around. No one else seemed to notice, and everything was slowed down dramatically. Almost like what the boy had done.

My power?

"Yes." It created a shape, a shadow of a creature Six knew all too well. "In other words, I am the Lady."

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