"We should all go clubbing together one time," Issy suggests, sitting down on her bed.

Lea squeals loudly, "After we finish this mission we have to," she gasps, taking my hands and spinning me around.

"You babies have your fakeys?" Issy teases, throwing mine and Lea's fake ID's at us.

"I forget you're old sometimes," I sigh, flipping my ID over in my hands.

"It's so nice to meet you Valerie Walker," Lea giggles, putting her hand out for me.

"It's so nice to meet you too Stacey Summers," I laugh, shaking her hand.

"I don't understand why you changed your names," Issy says, standing up and getting her purse.

"More fun," Lea shrugs, getting her matching pink bag from the vanity.

Issy shakes her head and slips an arm through mine and Lea's doing a dramatic skip as we all laugh loudly.

We trail out of the girls' room and stop as were greeted by Vincenzo and Alessio waiting outside for us.

"Only took 7 fucking hours," Alessio teases,

"Actually it was only 2," Azalea says, giving her brother a tight lipped smile.

"You're ready now so let's just go," Vincenzo says shortly, his eyes meeting mine momentarily before his jaw locks and turns around.

"I agree, we don't want to be late," I say, tugging gently at Issy's arm as we follow the boys downstairs.

"Dad, Uncle Carlos, and Le Aquile Rosse are already setting up outside the club, so we have backup when we need to get out quickly," Vincenzo says, unlocking his car as we walk outside.

Vincenzo takes the drivers side as Alessio gets into the passenger seat, leaving us girls to squeeze into the back.

"We want to just get in and get out, so get Simons attention and get him talking," Vincenzo begins, indicating before pulling out into the road; "Get him comfortable enough so he'll go somewhere quieter with you, and then Griffon and Everett will take care of him,"

"I thought Ana was in charge," Lea says, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm retelling you the plan we already decided on," Vincenzo replies in a bored tone, giving his sister a look through the mirror.

"Ok, it just sounded very bossy," Lea shrugs, her tone high as she shares a knowing look with Alessio.

"No one cares about your little sibling arguments, focus on the road," Issy snaps, shaking her head as if she's just finished scolding children and crossing one leg over the other.

"It's hard being a mother sometimes," she sighs, clicking her tongue disapprovingly as she shakes her head and looks at me.

"You're doing a great job sweetie," I say earnestly, placing a hand on her knee as she laughs.

We soon arrive at the club, and I look inside with amusement as I see the flashing lights and hear the thundering music.

Vincenzo parks the car and gets out, adjusting his cuffs as the rest of us get out. Vincenzo and Alessio look once more at each other before walking inside, Vincenzo muttering something to the bouncer before he steps aside.

"I guess Valerie and Stacey won't be making an appearance tonight," Lea mutters to me, and I hum in response, "I guess not,"

Once we're inside the music seems to pound in my ears, making it hard to even think clearly.

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