Chapter 15 The Renewal of Sparkmates

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Optimus POV

When Enigma told me, no threatened me to go find Elita, I could not say 'no' to her and went to find her. I could sense she was still on the ship, but so far, I haven't been able to find her. When I reached the recharge rooms, I decided to check in there, and to my surprise she was in there, looking through my data pad.

"How did you get into that?" I asked, but it seemed like I startled her because she yelped a bit and threw the data pad onto the berth. When she saw it was me, she relaxed, but I could sense that something was off.

"Elita, is something wrong?" I asked, slowly moving towards her, but she did not look at me.

Eventually, I was towering over her, so I decided to kneel, placing one of my digits under her chin so she could look at me.

I could see her optics tearing up as I said, "Elita, please... what's wrong?"

She finally looked at me and slowly said, "Y-you have s-someone else. T-that's E-Enigma, r-right?"

I then realized what she was talking about, she was afraid that I claimed Enigma as my sparkmate last night. I chuckled a bit and hugged Elita tight, sending off comforting emotions through our bond to her.

She got startled again as I pulled away and kissed her, while still sending off much comforting to her. I got up and sat down on the berth, bringing Elita into my lap as I continued to kiss her. When I finally pulled away, Elita looked even more confused at me as I smiled at her.

"Elita, I have never had those feelings towards Enigma, ever." I said and Elita's optics widened in relief, but I could also tell she had a question.

"Wait, why were you in her room last night?" Elita asked and I looked at her, confused at why she thought I was in Enigma's room.

"Who told you that I was in Enigma's room?" I asked her and she hesitated, but then decided to answer.

"Well, I woke up yesterday actually and I heard you say that you wished to talk to Enigma about something."

I then chuckled, holding her close and said, "Elita, I wanted to ask her and Megatron about doing a Sibling Bond, that is what I wanted to talk about, and we were in Megatron's room, not hers. Also, she is already bonded to Starscream and his Trine."

She looked shocked at me and in disbelief of what I said, but then everything seemed to click in her processor as she hugged me tightly, crying a bit.

I held onto her, trying to calm her down and wondering if I did something wrong, but then Elita said, "Thank the Allspark! I'm sorry for not believing you!"

"Elita, look at me." I said and she pulled away to look at me.

"I would never do that to you, I'm sorry for ever making you think I did something like that." I held her closer, sending over more emotions to her: love-compassion-devotion.

Elita hugged me and said, "No, I'm sorry for ever doubting you, I shouldn't have just assumed something and just talked to you about it."

"Is this why you were going through my data pad?" I asked and she hid in my neck cable as I laughed.

We both decided to lay on the berth, and I held her close the entire time, letting her listen to my spark beat. She was quiet for the entire night, but I did not mind, knowing how much everything that has happened today was overwhelming.

After a while, Elita said, "Thank you, Optimus... I love you."

I felt her go into recharge after saying that, not surprised due to everything in the last twenty-four hours. I smiled down as I held onto her tightly, not letting go and keeping her close to my spark. I still couldn't believe she was right here, in my arms, completely unharmed and online. I felt myself well up in tears, but I kept them down and just held Elita close to me.

However, I felt her turn around, still in recharge, and hug me tightly as she slept. I didn't know if she was doing this purposely or she just shifted in her sleep, but I gladly went along with it.

I felt myself enter into recharge, but before I entered, I thought, 'Thank you, sister. For giving me back my sparkmate, I swear to you that I will protect you with all my spark, until the day I am offlined.'

Then I felt my optics offline and fell into a blissful recharge, one I had not experienced in many Vorn's.

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