𝟶𝟼 | The Beast

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Herta led the Astral Express crew through the many halls filled with various curios until she stopped before an ordinary look, teal crystal.

"That's The Lullaby of Forgotten Words? It looks... Normal..." March 7th commented while tilting her head.

"Not every curio in my collection looks super extra or super weird. This one looks normal and all it's doing is playing a song, but I have that there is more in it than just a song" Herta said, taking the crystal in her hands.

"And how do we activate it?" Mr. Yang asked looking at the crystal

"It's impossible to activate" Asta walked up to them

"Then how the hell-"

"It turns on by itself" Asta quickly cut off March. Herta looked at them with a smug smile

"We have to get The Lullaby of Forgotten words as close as possible to the wolf and it activate by itself" Herta explained in more detail

"I've already located it. The wolf is in the Supply Zone" Asta nodded to Herta's words

"But that's where the express is!" March yelled

"We better hurry!" Himeko said with a serious look in her eyes

Everyone ran towards the express. They made it in time to stop the wolf from approaching the star train. March shot an arrow that flew right in front of the wolf's nose. It was enough to draw the beast away from the express and to focus its attention on them.

To everyone's surprise, except for Herta, the huge animal started running away.

"Its sensing the Lullaby of Forgotten Dreams" Herta said with a smirk on her face. Just like she predicted.

"Block his way!" Asta said loudly.

Dan Heng reacted the quickest, throwing his spear in front of the wolf, which was already half turned to mist. Himeko used her drone to block its escape through the vents. Dan Heng with Stelle as his defense slowly started moving towards his spear while Welt defended March and Himeko. He was a bit of a human shield, but he was strong enough not to care. March had frozen a few more escape routes for the beast, so the wolf was now surrounded by them. With no other way to escape, the wolf jumped on Herta, who was ready to hit it with her big hammer, but then the wolf dived into the shadows and emerged right behind her, jumping on Asta.

"Miss Asta!" Most of the Astral Express Crew Yelled, mainly March. However, the fangs did not go into the Lead Reasercher's body, but into the Head of the Security Department's sword.

"Madam Herta, now!" Arlan said, trying to hold back the black wolf.

Herta took out the blue crystal and threw it towards the beast. To everyone's surprise, the crystal shattered when it made contact with the black mist...

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑊𝑜𝑙𝑓 𝐻𝑜𝑤𝑙𝑠 | 𝙷𝚜𝚛 𝚡 𝙼!𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now