𝟶𝟸 | Elio

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I looked at the man known as Elio. The room was dark, with the only light shining on the person hidden behind a black robe. I stayed near the entrance. I knew it was dangerous to come closer. Even his scent had something dangerous in it that triggered my brain. I could hear the metal gears running constantly and working hard to make different fluids flow in see thru cables. This place was filled with unique technologies from all eras I could think of, some of which I never saw.

"Bèi yíwàng de hēi láng... The Forgotten Black Wolf... What a noble and sad title they named you" Elio finally spoke. I didn't understand his words. Why would someone give me a title? What was he saying?

"I knew your memories fell into many pieces, but I didn't expect you to forget about this..." Elio chuckled. I looked at him with a growl... Why did his words anny me?

"What do you want?" I said, my voice stern. Why was my body reacting like this?

"I mean no harm to you, even if you harmed me severely in the past" Elio took off his hood revealing a face cut by claws of a giant beast. Did I do this? There is no way... My body can't access a full wolf form... Even if it could, I don't think my powers are strong enough to make this big...

"Oh, I'm sure you remember this, noble wolf. Use your brain. Think. Remember" A memory flashed through my mind. A place filled with blue flames... It looked like a village... "Remember the burning flames. Remember the cries of pain" People were screaming, yelling for others to help them. There were bodies crushed by the ruins of the falling buildings. Others were covered in blood, ripped apart by a monster or a beast "Remember the screams of the fallen. Remember the ones who called out your name"

I saw a figure with long, red hair. She was wearing armor like a knight. Wàngjìle!!! I heard her yell.

I saw another figure. A man with brown hair. Wàngjìle!!!

There was also someone holding a bow. I couldn't tell who they were... Wàngjìle!!!

Finally, a girl appeared in my mind. She had long black hair. I didn't remember her face, but I think it was filled with pain. Wàngjìle!!! Her voice was filled with despair. She was clutching something to her chest... A blue, pure light...

I was suddenly thrown from the memory, back into reality. I fell to my knees. Why did my body hurt...? Why were there tears in my eyes...?

"The memory you just saw, the flames, the blood, the cries, the pain... It was all caused by you"Elio said, walking up to me. No... It was not true... He was lying... He must be lying... This cannot be true...

"Raise your head and look at me" Elio commanded. My body moved on its own as my eyes landed on him "I want to make a contract with you, a small deal. I will help you gain back your memories, but in exchange you have to protect a certain person. They are not created yet, but you will see it"

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑊𝑜𝑙𝑓 𝐻𝑜𝑤𝑙𝑠 | 𝙷𝚜𝚛 𝚡 𝙼!𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now