I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Grace, who had always seemed so committed to Theo, had been unfaithful. It was a shock, to say the least.

As Grace turned to me with those anxious eyes, seeking guidance, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of empathy and a strange sense of validation. After all, I had my own complicated history with Theo, and knowing that Grace had crossed a line made my own actions feel less- well naughty.

But now wasn't the time to dwell on that. Grace needed support, not judgment. I offered her a reassuring smile and said, "Grace, you should talk to Theo. Honesty is always the best approach. It won't be easy, but you owe it to him to come clean about what happened. Just be prepared for whatever his reaction might be."

Grace's teary eyes met mine, and she nodded in agreement. "You're right, Melanie. I can't keep this from him. I need to face the consequences of my actions."

"But Mel, I need you to talk to Theo for me."

I relayed Grace's plea to Theo, my heart pounding as I approached him. His reaction caught me off guard. Instead of anger or disappointment, he just laughed. It was a relief, to say the least.

"Grace told me everything," I said tentatively. "She's genuinely sorry, Theo."

He grinned at me, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Well, now we're even," he said, his voice surprisingly light. "I can't exactly be mad at her for something when I've got my own skeletons in the closet."

I let out a sigh of relief. Theo's reaction was far more forgiving than I had anticipated. "I'm glad you're taking it well," I said, a small smile playing on my lips. "Grace is really torn up about this, so be gentle with her, okay?"

Theo nodded, his expression softening. "Of course, babe. I don't want to see her hurting. We'll work through this together."

He leaned in and kissed me, a tender gesture that reassured me everything would be alright, at least for now. But I couldn't help but wonder how this newfound revelation would continue to reshape our intricate relationships in the days and weeks to come.

Theo's reaction took me aback as he lashed out at Grace. I had hoped for a more understanding and forgiving response, especially considering our own history. He totally ignored everything I said.

"Babe, I'm really sorry," she pleaded, looking genuinely remorseful.

But Theo was unyielding. "Sorry isn't gonna fucking cut it this time," he snapped. "You've crossed a line, Grace."

I couldn't stay silent any longer. "Theo, this is between you two, but there's no need to be so harsh," I interjected, my concern for Grace outweighing my desire to avoid conflict. "She knows she messed up."

Theo looked at me, a flicker of frustration in his eyes. "Mel, you don't understand the whole story. It's more complicated than you think."

I sighed, feeling caught in the middle of their turmoil. This wasn't the outcome I had expected, and I feared that the consequences of Grace's mistake might be more significant than any of us could have imagined.

Grace runs upstairs and the girls follow her. Then Theo says, "I just did it to take the piss."

Theo's casual response hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt a mixture of anger, confusion, and sadness all at once.

I pushed him away gently and said, "Theo, this is not a joke. This situation is messy, and it's affecting everyone around us, including Grace."

He shrugged, seemingly unfazed. "Mel, you know I care about you, but this whole thing is complicated."

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