Nagato, Kawakaze, Yuudachi, Shigure, Atago and Shimakaze stood completely stiff and watched the male kitsune with wide eyes. They were not immune to Kohaku's scent either; all of them were blushing, and Atago looked like she wanted to smother him.

Any attack Warspite was about to unleash upon Roon ceased as the same scent from before washed over her and crashed her mind hard. All Warspite could do was blush, stutter, and look behind her at the now-obvious man.

Kohaku put all his effort into ignoring the girl's smell, surged forward, and passed the blushing Warspite. A large spray of water ejected from behind Kohaku as he pushed himself forward at a decent speed.

On the docks, Prinz Eugen and Hipper were pinning a furious Roon to the floor, both struggling to hold Roon in place. All the other girls were too occupied with watching Kohaku appear; they didn't even consider Prinz and Hipper's plight.

"Roon! Stop your ship now!" Prinz ordered her subordinate. 

"*Giggle* I'll dock next to him! I won't let someone else get close to him!" Roon giggled at them and seemed somewhat amused by Prinz's attempt at ordering her.

Hipper desperately held onto the much stronger Roon and glared at Prinz.

"I told you! I warned you something like this would happen!" Hipper shouted.

"Ya, I underestimated her desperation..." Prinz flinched at Roon's flailing.

"Desperation? *Giggle* YOU WILL PAY!" Roon roared and stood up without effort while Prinz and Hipper still held onto her. They were shocked by the sudden surge of strength and found themselves thrown off her like ragdolls.

Prinz shook off her disorientation and watched in confusion as Roon collapsed onto the floor without reason. Hipper watched as the Yandere heavy cruiser crumpled to the ground unceremoniously.

"Ugh... Schwester? What happened?" Hipper called out.

Prinz couldn't answer... Until.

"Schwester... Look!" Hipper shouted as she rushed over and helped Prinz off the ground.

Prinz looked at what everyone else was staring at in amazement.

Kohaku was standing on the ocean with his full rigging and staring angrily at the capsized vessel of Roon: her red Keel and propeller shafts exposed for all to see. Roon's propellers still spun rapidly in an attempt to propel her forward.

"What the fu..." Prinz mumbled.

~ A few moments before ~

With decent speed, he pushed past the blushing Warspite and towards the approaching vessel of Roon.

Roon did not attempt to manoeuvre or slow down as he approached with a snarl on his face. He was unaware other Shipgirls were piling on Roon and distracting her.

Kohaku snarled and bared his fanged teeth at the heavy cruiser that forced him out of safety and put other Shipgirls in danger if he lost control. His tails had become erratic and violent. 

As Roon sailed within striking distance, Kohaku stood head-on to the ship, growled loudly and punched the vessel's bow hard. The groan of armoured steel could be heard as Roon's plating buckled and rivets blew off under the pressure. The whole ship shuddered and rolled off its original course but continued forward.

Happy with the ship's course shift but unsatisfied with the lack of retaliation from the Yandere.

As the heavy cruiser tried to pass him, Kohaku brought his repair cranes to bear and hooked the warship with his cranes. Each graceful movement of his cranes and cable hooks found a way to latch hold of the warship, almost like Kohaku was fly fishing!

Everyone stared in amazement or shock at the precision. All those that could think straight anyway.

The creaking of Kohaku cranes echoed across the base as the cables strained under the tension. Kohaku was trying to reel Roon in like a prize fish, and she wasn't even trying to adjust herself or react, for that matter... Roon was clearly uninterested in humouring him.

If only he knew he had two unknown helpers on the docks...

Realising his cranes would buckle under the power the heavy cruiser was putting on him, Kohaku was left with little choice and roared, and with one massive tug, Roon's entire ship was yanked sideways and pulled over until it capsized.

In less than ten seconds, the heavy cruiser was belly up.

Kohaku stared angrily at the Keel of Roon, fangs still bared and tails waving erratically. 

The Shipgirls, the now-arrived Admiral and Shikikan stared in disbelief at the scene—a heavy cruiser of the Iron Blood defeated in such an obscene way by a repair ship.

But not just any heavy cruiser. This was Roon—one of the strongest cruisers of the Iron Blood.

Bismarck is going to throw a fit when she hears about this!

Kohaku shook himself of his anger and looked around in confusion. His hazy eyes saw the many people staring at him in disbelief.

"Eh? Why are they staring at me like th-Oops...!?" Kohaku jumped back when he noticed his cranes attached to a capsized vessel.

Kohaku lust filled and hazy mind didn't know what was worse... The fact that he had capsized a Shipgirl or was staring at the most private part of a Shipgirl. 

That Curvy red Keel, tho...

Kohaku's inner pervert went 'Fufufu'.



Roon has entered the story! Oh, dear.

I just wanted a chapter where Kohaku was hiding in his ship, looking at all the arriving girls. The last part was added in to add a bit of action.

I liked the way he handled Roon. When I wrote about her sailing towards him, I sat there for ages thinking about how he would respond to it. At first, he would unleash all his anti-air on her, but that seemed like a poor decision.

Plus, it's very ineffective against the bow of a heavy cruiser.

No, Roon is not dead.

I don't know if it's accurate, but I imagine Roon being ridiculously stronger than other cruisers.

I own no Art or Gif's

Thanks for the support and votes!


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