Never underestimate a Yandere.

Kohaku noticed many of the girls point toward his ship and receive the occasional glance. He was sure nobody else could see him and knew they were talking about him, considering he was the reason they were all arriving here.

Kohaku could see Kaga and Amagi speaking to Belfast, all three sending concerned looks in his direction. It looks like his absence on the base for a few hours has been noticed...

Like those two foxes care! But Belfast's concern flatted him.

His eyes shifted from girl to girl, trying to lipread but failing badly. His twitching fox ears were powerful but from this distance? The sounds of the rumbling ship engines and locking himself in the armoured box of his bridge were too much for his ears to overcome.

Just then, Kohaku felt a cold sensation shoot up his spine and knew precisely why. His eyes locked back onto the form of Akagi, and Kohaku was not disappointed in his earlier prediction or his body's reaction.

Akagi was standing away from her sisters and sniffing the air frantically, drawing a few weirded-out gazes from the other Kansen. Judging by the cold, shadowed glare Amagi was now giving Akagi, the latter was probably giggling creepily and making everyone uncomfortable.

A swift bonk to the head shut down Akagi's weirdness for now.

Wait... Where did Roon go!?

With his senses spread throughout his entire ship, the Yandere heavy cruiser was thankfully not onboard, but something was approaching fast!

With a full 360 view, He could see Hipper shout something at Prinz Eugen and point towards his ship. Prinz Eugen's eyes widened in panic, running towards his ship and yelling at someone he couldn't see. By this point, the entire dock, full of girls, watched in shock at what was unfolding.

Kohaku watched as Warspite appeared on the dock and swiftly jumped onto the ocean's surface, wearing her entire rigging and pointing at something. Even in his lustful, rut-filled mind, Kohaku was coherent enough to know something was happening. 

He was looking towards the ocean where Warspite was pointing with her sword and yelling. Further on the sea, where the still docking ships were moving, he could see a heavy cruiser break formation and start closing in on him rapidly; the dark hull and sharp features quickly identified it as an Iron Blood vessel.

It was Roon's ship...

Warspite was now pointing her turrets at Roon and was ready to fire. Kohaku couldn't let that happen. He hadn't planned for them all to come here, only for them to start fighting because of a Yandere.

Kohaku's ship vanished without much thought, leaving Kohaku standing on the ocean with his rigging activated. The illusive kitsune male and sole Shipboy stood motionless but annoyed as every other Shipgirl watched from a distance.

His mind was a mess. His ship was his haven, and Roon forced him to leave it. The scent of every female around washed over him, making him pant aggressively. 

Akagi could be heard breathing heavily as she stared at Kohaku with undisguised lust, only being held back by Kaga and Amagi, but both were also blushing hard at the scent of the male fox.

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