Ch-7 Their past

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"My mother died when I was seven. For two years my father and I were alone and it was great. Everything was great. I got my father's undivided attention, all the love and everything. And two years later, as I came from school, happily, I got the worst news of my life. My father decided he is going to remarry and he was in a relationship with Virat's mom from one year, but he didn't inform me earlier, as he was not certain if it would last or not. He liked her and he said I would also need a mother, as most of the times, he's in office and busy with work, and she also had a son who could become my brother and my friend, and was three years younger than me. And so even though I didn't want him to remarry, I hid it, seeing his excitement and happiness. I didn't want to call anyone else as my mother and I did not want a brother, but I stayed quiet, not wanting to ruin his happiness.

Then virat and his mother came in our house. And I was still not ready to accept him as my brother and his mother as my mother. I had only one thought in my mind. I don't want them as my family. I hate no one more than them. But I hid all this from my father. And pretended to be happy and respectful and loving to them in front of my father.

My step mother was also clearly not happy and did not want to accept me as his son.

She and I did the same thing. She pretended to accept me as her son and act all loving in front of father, and when he was not there, she did not leave a single moment to show me that she hated me and ignored me and was rude. I also pretended to accept and love virat as my younger brother in front of our father, and ignored and was completely rude to him in father's absence.

But virat, he was completely diffrent. He was neither like his mother nor like me. He wanted me to be his older brother, genuinely. And I did not want that role."

"Why did you not want that role?" Rohit wondered aloud. "like weren't you bored of being a single child?"

"I was nine years old. I was jealous and insecure and completely immature. Though I guess I am still a little immature. I should not have slapped him today. But, father's undivided attention, was divided into two parts, I had to share all my toys with him, the weekends that my father and I would normally spend alone, now involved inclusion of virat and many times his mother. So I guess I did like being alone, and inclusion of someone else, made me angry and jealous.

But virat wouldn't be virat, if he wasn't stubborn and couldn't make other people love him, would he? His constant efforts to talk to me, to play with me and buy new gifts for me, finally became too much to resist. I finally started to see him as my father saw him. A fun loving 6-7 year old kid, who's too innocent and good for this world and who's the best brother or son you could have. Suddenly he became my world and more previous than my own father. Within a spam of just one year. Imagine that!"

"So you two became the closest?"
"Yeah and I will tell you the best story about how it truly happened.


Mahi had called his friends to play cricket in the garden of their house.
"If your brother wants to play, them let him, what's the problem?" Mahi's friend asked him. "Look at him, he looks so sad."

Mahi looked upwards, where virat was looking at their game from the window of the room with a teddy bear in his hands which actually belonged to mahi and was forced to give it to him on his step mother's insistence and father's request.

"He might get hurt." Mahi said quickly.
"Comeon, we will not play that roughly."
"If you are so interested in paying with him, I will go and you can play with him." Mahi snapped irritated.

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