Ch-2 Meeting after a long time

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(A/n: I am not a medical student, so I don't know much about medicines and everything, so please ignore any mistakes about that.)

Virat reached kolkata early in the morning. The first thing he did is rush towards the hospital as he had already taken the address from his mother.

He went to the hospital and towards the icu room.
His mother was sitting outside reading a book.

"Can I go see him?" He asked her immediately.
"He has not gained consciousness and the doctors are still doing some procedures on him." His mother answered.
"so you can't go inside."

"How did this happen? And how critical is it?" Vi asked worried.
"He was coming towards our house when the car crashed with a truck and he was not even wearing the belt. He got severe head injury and a lot of blood was lost before he was brought to the hospital."

"I have told him so many times to follow the rules." Vi said getting emotional.
His mother just put a hand on his shoulder. "don't worry vi, he will be alright." She reassured him.

Vi just nodded and decided to wait with her outside the room.

It had been nearly three hours when mahi finally landed to kolkata. He rushed towards a taxi and went to the hospital. And after finding out the floor number, he ran up the stairs.

He went towards the ICU room and wanted to barge in when a voice stopped him. "Sorry sir you can't go inside." A nurse said coming from behind.

"Why can't I go? He's my dad." Mahi said not wanting to hear anything.

The nurse stopped for a minute and stared at him. Mahi realized she might have recognized him but he could hardly care about that at this moment. Anyways, soon, the whole hospital was going to recognize him.

The nurse also seemed to decide not to care and became professional again and said "i know sir, but the treatment is still going on. And he still hasn't gained consciousness, so it's important for us to keep checking on him and carry out some tests." She explained to him.

"Okay till when will this tests get over and when will I be allowed to see him?"

"Just ten fifteen minutes more sir."
Mahi nodded and decided to wait outside.
He saw three empty chairs and went to sit there. He was feeling very anxious and tried to take continuous deep breaths to make himself calm.

Virat who had gone with his mother to buy some snacks from canteen, came upstairs to find a very unpleasant sight.

His step brother was sitting there. "Why is he here?" Vi asked his mom quietly pointing at mahi who still hadn't noticed them.

"Amrita must have called him." His mother answered. "because i have certainly not called him."

Virat sighed angrily. Now that his step brother knows about their father, he was surely not going to leave.

"Hello." Virat went there and said just for the sake of formality.
Mahi looked at his step mother and brother and his face instantly turned into a scowl.

Of course they would be there. And he was so worried about his father that he didn't even think about that. Though, he knew even if he had thought about it, he couldn't have done much. He had to come here and he couldn't ask them to leave.

"Hello." Mahi said equally formally.

Virat looked around to see if he could find other chairs far away from where he was sitting, but thee were no other chairs or bench, so he was forced to sit beside his step brother.

"Why are you here?" He asked him after a minute of silence.

Mahi looked at him confused. "what do you mean why i am here?"

"In thirteen years, you never cared about our father, then why are you suddenly here when he is in a critical condition? Are you hoping that he dies and you can take the property and the business?"

Mahi stared at virat not even knowing what to say on such blatant accusations.

"Are you alright from here." He asked pointing to his head "or is your screw loose? Do you even know what you just said?"

"I just said the truth." Virat said unaffected. "you have just come here for the property and his business, you can tell honestly we already know your reality."

Mahi didn't like to fight with or confront anyone even though such disgusting accusations were thrown on him. And another thing he had mastered was not to care about what others think of him even if it were his own family members or rather strangers he was forced to accept as his family.

"Think whatever you want. I am not interested in talking to you." He answered calmly and went away from there and stood near the door of the ICU room. He tried to peep inside but they had blocked everything and it was impossible to see what was happening.

After ten more painful minutes, the doctor and the nurses finally came out.

"How's he, has he gained consciousness?" Mahi asked the doctor.
"I am afraid not." The doctor said. "And it may take some more weeks."

"Exactly how long?" Mahi asked, fear evident in his voice.
"We can't tell exactly, but we are trying our best."

Mahi nodded, knowing the doctors would obviously try their best.

"Can I see him at least?" He asked.
The doctor nodded.

Mahi went inside well aware that virat and his mother were following him inside. But he couldn't stop them, and he wasn't going to leave because of them.

Seeing the ICU room and the sight infront of him, he was suddenly hit with a feeling of nausea.
He started to feel suffocated seeing his father lying there, and machines surrounding him and the wires attached to him.

He had seen all this before also. It hadn't even been much time. He again started to feel dizzy and breathless.
He pushed past virat and went out of the room.

Vi was almost going to call his step brother seeing his face, before deciding against it. He himself was troubled by the sight in front of him, and in his opinion this all looked like acting, which his brother was already good at, anyways.

Vi hugged his mother tightly. "will he be alright?" He asked.
His mother patted his back. "I promise, he will be." She answered in a soft whisper, looking devastated herself.

Mahi quickly sat on the chair outside to avoid falling. After calming himself, he went downstairs to the canteen to take water for his medicine.

After a while, as mahi went upstairs lamenting about how he would have to stay in the company of his step brother and step mother, he got a call.
It was his aunt.
"Mahi, beta, I have reached at the hospital."

"Okay come to the second floor, ICU room." Mahi said relieved that at least his aunt was here.

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