Ch-3 The old house

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Mahi's aunt came and gave him a tight hug.

"I am so sorry, beta." She said.
"It's okay, he will soon get fine." Mahi said even though his voice was trembling about thinking what if he did not....?

"Yeah, yeah, he will get alright." His aunt said determined as she wiped mahi's tears, which he didn't even know were falling.

"Should we go inside?" She asked pointing to the room. " can't go." Mahi said. "I can't look at him in this situation." Mahi half lied.

"Okay, then we will not go." His aunt said.
"No, you can go. I will be alright here." Mahi assured her knowing that she would want to see her brother.

"Are you sure, mahi?"
Mahi nodded, trying to smile, assuring her.

His aunt patted his back and went inside the icu room.

"Hello aunt how are you?" Virat asked quietly seeing his aunt amrita come in the room and went to hug her.

"I am alright, son. And don't worry, he will get fine soon." She reassured him, her eyes not leaving her brother.

"Hello, amrita." Virat's mother greeted stiffly.
"Hello, vanita." She said, giving her a slight smile.

"Why did you call mahendra?" She asked.

"What do you mean? He's father is in coma and you are asking me why I called him?" Amrita asked, shocked at her audacity to question her like this.

"He didn't remember he had a father in 13 years, did he?"

"Yeah, you know all about it, don't you? You were the one living with him, knowing what he's going through, weren't you?" Amrita asked sarcastically.

Vanita just frowned and did not reply, because she did not have any answer to that.

After sometime, the nurse came and said that they had to leave for sometime.

Virat came outside with his mother and aunt and saw his step brother sitting, lost in his thoughts, looking absolutely devastated. He felt a tinge of sadness for him, but then quickly shook the thought, repeating to himself, it might just be acting, no matter what their aunt had said in the room.

"Mahi, come here." Aunt amrita called him.
"It's late night and I think you and virat should go home."

"No." Both virat and mahi said together.

Both looked at each other for a second and they quickly looked away. "what about dad? What if he wakes up?" Mahi asked.

"Don't worry. Vanita and I are going to stay here. And if Sanjay wakes up, I will call you both."

"No aunt, I want to stay here." Virat protested.
"No, you both must be tired. You came here after three four hours of travelling and didn't even rest for one moment. You both will go home and rest."

"But aunt...." virat tried to protest, but she shook her head.
"You both are going and that's final." She said.

Both of them loved and respected their aunt too much, to not obey her and thus nodded reluctantly.

They stared at each other with hatred until their aunt interrupted their starting session.

"Don't fight, you two. And take these keys, mahi, take my car."
Mahi took the keys and hugged his aunt.

"Call me immediately if dad wakes up." He said.
"I promise." Her aunt said giving him a smile. "And don't fight with him." She whispered.
"I can't promise, but I will try." Mahi said knowing that a fight was inevitable.

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