Bad Blood and Shadows

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(Authors note: Warning, there's a mention of violence and crime. Also death. So if you're uncomfortable with that. Proceed with caution. Also remember, anything italicized and underlined means it's a copyrighted work and it's not my creation. All credits go to any and all respective creators. Anyways, enjoy!) 

It had been almost a week and a half since Storm_wolf's first encounter with Dr. Omni. Not only that but the hero was worried what doc was going to do with the blood samples he took. He was on way his home after saving a cat from a tree but then he saw someone suspicious in an alleyway. The person was wearing a lab coat and had black hair with dyed red streaks. "Hey excuse me. What are you doing? You seem familiar." The stranger turned around and had a face nearly identical to Storm_wolf's. The stranger had black glasses, red eyes, he also had grey cargo pants and a black shirt beneath his lab coat. He looked the same exact age as Storm_wolf.

      "Ah are you Storm_wolf?" Asked the stranger. He sounded like the hero but had a deeper and more masculine voice. "Dude! You sound like me." Said Storm_wolf. The stranger asked again who the hero was."Yes, I am. Why do you need to know? Do you want an autograph or something?" Said the hero. "I'm here to fight you, at least according to my boss." Said the stranger. As Storm_wolf looked in shock at the stranger, Dr. Omni appeared. "You?!" Shouted the hero in surprise. "Behold my greatest creation, even better than that which gave me my powers. Your clone, Void_wolf!" Dr. Omni said. "You cloned me?!" Said Storm_wolf. "I've only met you once!"

     "True but I've seen you in action and used your DNA to create a more powerful and more intelligent clone!" Said the doctor while laughing deviously. Void_wolf then added on, "So he decided to see just how much stronger I am. I'm ready to fight you." The Storm_wolf was a little nervous, he knew Dr. Omni was quite intelligent but the hero was ready. "Bring it on then!" He said. So the fighting began, and it was wild. Storm_wolf and Void_wolf were pretty evenly matched despite what Dr. Omni had said.

However Void_wolf had a trick up his sleeve. He then went into the shadow that was cast off the building and went invisible. Storm_wolf however managed to dodge his enemy's attacks but the fight still went on.


The fight had gone on for at least an hour or so and both Storm_wolf and Void_wolf were tired. However Isaac fell to the ground and was breathing heavily. His opponent somehow felt bad and said, "We're both tired out. Let's finish this another day." He told the hero this while gasping every few words. "No you fool! Finish him, now's your chance!" Shouted Dr. Omni who had been watching the entire thing. "I don't see you helping. Plus, you never told me I had to kill him!" Replied Void_wolf. "Spoiler alert! You have to kill him." Said the doc. "I'm not killing him, he doesn't deserve it." Said the former. "I can't believe you! I created you to be an unstoppable killing machine and instead you would listen to dumb things like morality." Yelled Dr. Omni. "I should have known Storm_wolf's so-called kindness and empathy would rub off on you." He stated. "Now, use that pocket knife I gave you to finish him. I don't care how painful or painless, just finish him!"

     "I'm not killing him. It probably wasn't his intention to kill me, so I'm not going to kill him!" Exclaimed Void_wolf. "He's the reason I exist. It's like looking at a dying... what's the word? Sibling. It's like watching someone you care about dying." He stated. " I should not have given you free will. It was a mistake. And like many mistakes or screw-ups, you will be erased, never to be seen again but a bloody, gory, and ruined corpse lying in chalk!" Shouted the doctor. As he said this he charged up his rail-gun. "I greatly, very greatly overestimated you. Now perish!" Roared Dr. Omni. Suddenly Void_wolf threw the pocket knife he had into the barrel of the rail-gun causing it to start malfunctioning. "What the heck? What did you do?" Exclaimed the doctor. "Time for you to go out with a bang!" Replied Void. "No, YOU are going out with a bang!" Roared the doctor. He then tossed the malfunctioning rail-gun down at the both clone and the nearly unconscious hero and then Dr. Omni teleported away. 

     Void_wolf had only a few seconds to react. He used his telekinesis to throw the gun into the air. It went high and exploded in a neon turquoise explosion. "I can't believe I looked up to the doctor." Stated the clone. The hero then regained consciousness."You put up a good fight. Why didn't you kill me?" He asked. "Something inside told me not to, I couldn't kill you. I saw you were about to die, and I wanted to save you. I don't know why though."Replied Void_wolf. "Guess my morality rubbed off on you. In one single fight. I guess actions do speak louder than words." Said Storm_wolf. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I really am. I know it seems anti-climatic to change sides but, I just can't kill you." Said the latter. "It's okay, as long as you do what's in your heart. I'm sorry if I'm doing the typical protagonist bull-crap." Said the hero. They stood there in silence with the only sound being the city and their heavy breathing. "Okay, can I ask a question?" Asked Void_wolf. "Sure." Said the other. "Could I stay at your house?" The former inquired. 

     "What!? Are you kidding? My parents will find out I'm a super hero. I know it's stereotypical for a hero to say this, but I can't run the risk of putting my family in danger." Said Storm_wolf. "Ah, I see. You're worried about your family getting hurt. That's fine, I can see that." Said Void_wolf. "But, maybe I could keep you in my house. Only if you can teleport yourself out of my house if crud hits the fan." Replied the other. "Very well, but we still need to catch that backstabbing doctor!" Exclaimed the former. Storm_wolf agreed and so he told Void_wolf to follow him home. "Okay then, lead the way!" Replied the former.

      So the two of them went home using their super speed to arrive there swiftly. The hero then carefully led Void_wolf inside, making sure that no one noticed. "Good, mom's working, and Eden's probably watching some anime." He checked to make sure his statement was correct. His little sister was indeed, watching Spy X Family. It was her favorite anime, even though she was a little young to be watching it. The hero and his clone went back and sneaked into the laundry room. "Okay, we should be fine." Said Storm_wolf. "Shouldn't we go into your room?" Inquired the latter. "Oh, guess I didn't think about that." Replied the hero. So the two of them quietly crept into the hero's room. Void_wolf then sat down on Storm_wolf's bed. "Okay, now we should be able to talk a little." Replied the hero in a low voice. So the two of them started talking about food and drink provisions, what to do if Void_wolf heard footsteps, and other things of that sort.

     "And one more thing, no breaking stuff or touching my laptop." The storm_wolf gently ordered. The latter nodded his head in understanding. "Okay, I think I'm going to have dinner soon. I'll try to sneak some food, but I make no promises." Said the former. So he went to dinner and was worried about what tomorrow would bring despite the fact he didn't have school for another two months, as he was on summer break. "Man, I thought chores were a crazy responsibility." Thought Isaac.

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