Chapter 21: Birthing Dawn

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Jasper placed a soothing hand on Carlisle’s shoulder, but nothing could temper the agony piercing his soul a soul which he was freely giving if only Esme was alive.

“The last several times we’ve gone out hunting Alice’s visions have come back stronger in the mountains. I’ll carry her up there and see if she can get a location”.

Dazedly, Carlisle looked up and nodded dumbly “be careful Jasper, we don’t want the babies coming earlier than they need to. I won’t have the blood of more family on my hands” he choked out harshly.

Bella threw her arms around him and Rosalie and Alice managed the best they could -given their swollen bellies.

“Bella and Edward are going up to the Denali’s again to see if Edward can pull any more memories from their unconscious. Rosalie and Emmett will stay here in case the Volturi try to contact us again. I’m going to find Esme”.

Unable to pull any more information from him each couple parted their separate ways. Divided to unite.


“Jeez Rose, your belly is like a rock” he rubbed his hand in slow circles over her swollen stomach; she groaned and shifted on the couch, unable to get comfortable in any position.

She had felt hot and restless all morning and not even being pressed against Emmett skin to skin had offered any relief. The baby had dropped in her belly and sat deeply in her pelvis so that walking became deeply uncomfortable if not downright intolerable.

She blew a stray hair out of her eyes and wrenched herself off the couch to go to the bathroom.

As she straightened she felt something like a muscle spasm or a pop and suddenly water surged from her and gushed down her legs, pooling on the floor.

Emmett was as stone, his eyes wide with disbelief; “does this mean the baby’s coming?” “Yes, Emmett it means the baby is coming NOW”. Overcome, she leaned over with one hand on the couch and the other placed tentatively on the underside of her tummy.

“Emmett I’m scared, I don’t know if I can do this…I don’t know how to do this and I’m not due for another three weeks!” She just stared down dumbly and fearfully at her gargantuan belly.

“Oh God Em, the others aren’t here, what’s going to happen? No matter what they do they’re not going to get back in time…Em? Emmett!” Rosalie stared wide eyed as her husband backed slowly from the room panic-stricken before turning around and running.

Her world shifted on its axis and she fell onto the couch trying to figure out what had just taken place.

All of her family was more than 36 hours of travel away, and her husband and the father of this baby had just run out on her, and she had gone into labour and she was all alone with the knowledge that the dark figures that haunted her dreams and every waking moment wanted to harm her baby.

She couldn’t afford to be weak anymore, she could not and did not have anyone to offer their support or love to her as she struggled to deliver this baby healthy into the world. That most simple of luxuries was now denied to her; there was no doubt that she was petrified but getting her baby born was more important than anything else so she had to find her strength.

Despite the fact that her waters had broken Rosalie had yet to feel any significant or regular contractions. She walked slowly over to the kitchen, being very careful and aware of herself as she set three pots of water to boil, one for Carlisle’s emergency medical instruments she knew he kept in the front hall table, one for hot towels and one for tea for herself to calm her nerves.

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