Chapter 6 - The Return of the Pack

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Renesmee pounded the screen door impatiently, her chubby fists denting the metal frame. “Soon, sweetheart, soon”; Bella clasped her daughter’s flailing hands with her own to stop the destruction of the house. “Jake will be back very soon”. Jacob and the rest of the wolf-pack had gone up to the heights of the Rocky Mountains and further up into Nunavut to train the members of the tribe who had recently begun transforming. It would be over 6 months by the time he came back late this morning. Bella knew he would be exhausted after the long journey, but she knew with even more certainty he would wait to rest and regroup until he had seen Renesmee – and likewise Renesmee wouldn’t allow his absence for a moment longer. This week her normally sweet tempered daughter had been a holy terror around the house, tiring out her aunts and trying even their infinite patience with her. The non-stop run of memories and thoughts of Jake Renesmee was continuously communicating was wearing on everyone’s nerves and making them edgy.

They had discussed the best way to tell Jake their news; it had been decided unanimously that Bella, Edward and Carlisle would greet Jacob and explain the fragile situation before letting him see the girls. The wolves’ reaction to Bella’s pregnancy hadn’t exactly been  a positive one, and despite the fact that the majority of the pack was accepting – if not out and out friends – if and with the Cullens it was decided that it would be safer for everyone if Carlisle was the one to break the news – seeing as he was already a favorite of the Quileutes.

Before Jake’s expected arrival, Esme, Alice and Rosalie were gathered in the living room where they were comparing their baby bellies and Carlisle was taking their daily waist measurements. The three women were standing in a line in front of the couch with their shirts up around their waists baring their stomachs. At that moment the front door opened; no-one thought anything of it or bothered to move as it was probably just Emmett and Jasper returned from their early morning hunt. It wasn’t…

Jake bounded in the door, “Hey I…” his eyes searching the room for Renesmee. His excited gaze and beaming smile faded fast as he took in the scene before him as he thudded to the ground in a dead backwards faint.

His eyes opened slowly to see a concerned Renesmee sitting in his chest patting his cheeks impatiently while a concerned Bella hovered in the background.  He reached up for Nessie and buried his face in her shoulder before standing up to face the room and its occupants. He nodded grimly and picked up Renesmee; “Carlisle” he croaked out –“how, I…explain”.

Carlisle sighed and gathered Esme to him “The Quileutes have legends of how your people came to be, likewise we have ours…”

Jake only looked at Renesmee while Carlisle spoke, and nodded slowly as he expounded the current operating theory of ‘Ubertas Luna”, the Fertile Moon. The room waited breathlessly, no mortal pun intended, for his reaction to the story seeing as it would foreshadow the rest of the pack’s as well.

He surprised them by breaking into a wry grin and wrapping his arms around each pregnant vampire. Esme and Alice hugged him back in kind but Rosalie stepped back and wrinkled her nose; “Ew – no thanks dog”, she attempted a scathing response but couldn’t quite hide the smile in her eyes and on her lips as she hugged him back.

“You’re really ok with it Jake?”, Bella asked, unable to hide the hurt in her voice. After all, he hadn’t exactly been super supportive of her pregnancy with Renesmee. Jacob shifted Nessie to his other hip and she busied herself playing with the colorful wooden beads Jake wore on a cord around his neck.

“Look Bells-I know I was a real jerk before Nessie was born- but I am crazy in love with her now and she’s the best thing in my life. Believe it or not, I DO trust you guys with this – it’s no secret you’ll be great parents and if what Carlisle says is true I don’t think the pack will find issue with it either. We’re already in alliance. And I’ll be there for them like I wasn’t for you”. He cleared his throat, “besides, Seth will be so excited he’ll wet himself” he joked “blood sucker loving pup”. He chuckled good naturedly.

Renesmee stopped playing with his necklace and glared at Jake, showing her displeasure at the term ‘bloodsucker’ to describe her family. He laughed, tossing her easily in the air “Sorry Ness”. His eyes twinkled, “So did ya miss me?”


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