ever since the start

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Eren had forced you to burrow the two of you a way out of the underground prison, Eren hadn't been lying. At least ten soldiers waited outside for him

You had gone to walk off to the side while they made a report, but three of them aimed their guns your way

Eren: Seal it off

(Y/n): dammit

You had planned to leave it open. The hardening at the entrance was made to be extremely brittle, so Jean and that could chase after

Eren: Collapse the tunnel

Having no choice, you send spikes through the ground, causing the area around to rumble under foot. If that didn't get anyone's attention, then you had no other options

Eren peered at you before walking off his people followed after none looked at you because while you weren't chained, they knew you were a prisoner for Eren to play with

It scared you the amount of power Eren had gained, and with the weakening of your own powers, you weren't sure if the two of you fought

You'd come out alive like last time.

By Shadis angry face, where had this weakness come from?

You remembered a time when you'd kill entire armies alone, end the life of any scout who faced you, you are (y/n) Tybur no no, that's not right

(Y/n) Tybur had been a tool, a killing machine one with no connections or feelings. That had been your strength, absolute confidence, knowing that your life meant nothing, and losing it held no fear to you

Now now it was different. You didn't want to die. You had others you wanted to see live you wanted Historia to live

You were weak now because you cared

(Y/n)thoughts: No!

No, never, Historia had been a burden she was purpose, and to ever see her as a hindrance was a crime of the greatest sin

You weren't weak. Historia didn't make you weak. The issue here was that you were too stupid to realise what strength those connections gave you.

Walking silently after Eren, your heart came to a stop as you reached a clearing on a hill where more people under Eren had been waiting there were so many if Eren didn't have an army of his own then you were a Marleyan

(Y/n): How, how long have you been planning this?

Floch: silent Hammer, you do not speak unless spoken too

Oh, this idiot how he became Erens right hand, was out of your mindset it didn't make any sense, Floch reminded you off a rat king how Eren trusted someone like that was insane

Eren: Floch choose a squad to escort (y/n) to the meeting point his presence will only get in the way

Floch: As you wish, Eren

From the many men and women, ten stepped forward and surrounded you

Floch: What should we do if he transforms

His pissed off face didn't change as Eren looked at me

Eren: he's no threat (y/n) has lost his powers. If he transformed, he'd be so weak anyone could kill him

Spitting on his boots, you sneered at Floch as his people led you away from Eren

They still didn't restrain you their trust in Eren must be great. Lucky for them, he was right. Having just dug that tunnel had almost knocked you out

Your powers were so weak that it hurt like no pain you'd ever felt before. Ever since your chains broke, your powers had been growing weaker and weaker no matter what you did

falling Hammer (Aot Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now