trained dogs always come back

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Days passed by as everyone waited to be able to join a regiment of their choice

To you the days got grayer and greyer as you lost your will go continue moving but your body moved by itself to try and complete the mission from the Tyburs

(Y/n) thoughts: what's the point anymore I'm just going to die in a few years

Your body placed itself at a dinner table with the others

(Y/n) thoughts: I've hurt so many I'm truly a monster no I'm not even alive living creatures have wills unlike me

Ymir: (y/n) stop looking like that I'm gonna puke

Reiner: (y/n) we still have work to do pull yourself together

(Y/n): any news on our regiment choices?

Conny: we get to decide tonight, are you certain about the scouts?

Reiner: of course he is

(Y/n): I'm joining the scouts

Bertholdt: don't worry we'll all be there to work together

Reiner and Bertholdt explained that what happened the other day wasn't them kicking you out the mission it was entirely that Reiner was giving the orders now

And because of what the Tyburs beat into you your body followed his orders even if you didn't want to

Conny: I'm still unsure

Sasha: same I've been so nervous I haven't been able to eat

Conny: what are you talking about you ate four pieces of bread just 30 minutes ago

Sasha: yeah that's like nothing I'm still hungry

Christa: I'm joining the scouts as well 

Ymir: why you can go to the MPs!

Christa: cause I don't want to cower behind the walls while our friends die!

(Y/n): Christa you shouldn't join the scouts

Christa: why?

(Y/n): your weak I'm sure you won't survive what's coming

Ymir: he's right you can't survive out there

Christa: (y/n) Ymir I'm joining and that's it

(Y/n): your hero complex is showing

Christa: what do you mean?

(Y/n): you don't know me very well but I know you

Conny: wait Christa I thought you and (y/n) were super close

Christa: it's been revealed recently I know nothing about (y/n)

Sasha: wow that's super weird you two would always be together in cadets so who's fault is it

Christa: it's mi-

(Y/n): mine I've hidden many things about myself from her

Reiner: I'm sure you had a good reason not to tell her everything

Christa gave Reiner a annoyed look  ever since your accident back when she woke you up, Christa has completely believed the things you won't tell her you've told Reiner

Technically she was right he knew about the Tyburs and what you are but you weren't going to add anymore to her fire

Conny: then you need to trust people more (y/n)

(Y/n): I trusted people before it didn't go well

Reiner: anyone we know?

(Y/n): no

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