ranks matter

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Sitting in the wagon you don't say a word as Eren yells at Rod Reiss trying to get him to obey like the others a month ago

Historia had already explained what happened using some of your memories to fill in some of the gaps

Eren: Dammit he won't obey!

Levi stood up grabbing your throat sending enough force to hurt

Levi: explain you know about these powers alot more then us

Erwin: Levi let him go

Levi: fine

Staring at Levi you begin to laugh as Historia gives a shocked look

(Y/n): so I help you get arrested and now your interrogating me, you really are stupid

Historia: I know the answer leave him alone

(Y/n): you don't actually even with my memories this is something only a shifter can understand

Eren: then explain it to me!

Mikasa: can I kill him yet?

Erwin: no (y/n) let me tell you something

(Y/n): what is it?

Erwin: if that titan reaches the city everyone inside will die

(Y/n): I know

Erwin: along with any chance of you getting your freedom

That hit a nerve, ever since childhood you'd been trapped someway or another even when you abandoned the mission that only lead to a new captivity

(Y/n): fine, Eren come here

Eren walked over to you Crouching to get face to face

(Y/n): Historia take our hands we're doing what happened earlier

Historia took each of your hands in her sending lighting across you forearm

(Y/n): let's go

Blinking you find yourself and Eren inside a desert a glowing tree somewhere off in the distance, so big it's impossible to tell the distance

Eren: where are we!

(Y/n): calm down, this is my first time here as well I'm amazed this worked

Eren: then how'd you know of this place

(Y/n): my ancestor's memories one of them was good friends with the original king

Eren: so why are we here and why isn't Historia here?

(Y/n): think of her as the door we went through her to get here

Eren: so what am I meant to be understanding?

(Y/n): do you see that tree

Eren: yeah

(Y/n): my home calls this the paths and that trunk is the founding titan which I guess is you now

Eren: it's so big

(Y/n): every light is a Eldian, Rod Reiss is some where up there

Eren: so my power is connected to them all

(Y/n): it would if you were a Reiss or had any royal blood

Eren: then can't touching Historia activate the power

(Y/n): maybe if she ate me for the power to work you need a titan with royal blood, I'm guessing you came into physical contact with one during the kidnapping

Eren: so why did you bring me here if you could have just said that

(Y/n): because Eren would you have understood the magnitude of this if you didn't see it

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