running out of time

787 21 3

            (About 3 years later)

You sat in a office reading a book on the history of military warfare, this was your office filled with hundreds of books upon different subjects

To the outside world you were Dr Gravewing a master of all you had degree's and mastery's in nearly everything medicine, history, martial arts, the list goes on and on

For the past three years you kept yourself busy trying to find something that made you feel alive and belonging but in the end nothing did your gluttony for knowledge grew and grew

Till you became renound across the world, now you spent most your time in a mansion you built reading the same old books over and over again

Across the room the wooden door opened as a maid with long silver hair and a completely black outfit came walking in with a single cup of tea on a plate

(Y/n): good morning Linda what's on today's schedule?

Linda: you have sword practice at 8 and during that the people from Marley would like a word

(Y/n): didn't I refuse them?

Linda: no sir you said something about them being power crazy and doing stupid things if you refused

(Y/n): I see, Linda?

Linda: yes sir

(Y/n): who exactly is coming?

Linda: I have no idea sir

(Y/n): anything in the afternoon?

Linda: you have a meeting with the azumabito family

(Y/n): what do they want?

Linda: they asked for a report on their countries history

Sighing you take the cup of tea and take a sip the tea was nice it was one of the reasons you hired Linda

Linda: do you want me to kill them?

That was the other reason Linda was a assassin by trade you'd had a misadventure in some mountains and a monk temple where you saved her life

Ever since then she's followed you around like a puppy though she doesn't know who or what you are

(Y/n): no even you couldn't make it look like a accident

Linda: you could do the body examination and say it was, no one would refute you sir

(Y/n): I didn't become a doctor to lie about injuries and causes of death

Truly knowledge in medicine became your first target of subjects cause it allowed you to fake your blood tests hiding your Eldian heritage

Placing your book on the table you place a metal chain between the pages as a book mark

Linda: I'll put that away for you sir

Taking the book she added it to the wall it becoming just like the others

(Y/n): how long has the war been going on?

You walk towards the window looking out at the village you'd become the richest person in

Linda: three years now sir and I don't think it will end soon

Opening a the window you let some air in the weight of your shortened life feeling even more heavy then usual

(Y/n): have I ever told you when I started my adventures?

Linda: no sir you've never told anyone about your past I have the documentation

falling Hammer (Aot Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now