hell night

803 24 2

Once Erwin and the other scouts arrived with a unconscious Eren they ordered that you all begin collecting any dead body's you could so that they could get a proper funeral

Jean: man this sucks

(Y/n): don't complain we have work to do

Armin: does this mean the mission was a failure

(Y/n): we never made it to shiganshina so yeah

Armin: I don't think we were meant to

Jean: you mentioned this earlier think you could tell us more

Armin: I think Erwin knew the females titan would appear

(Y/n): that's impossible!

Armin: hey calm down its just a theory

Jean: why does that upset you?

(Y/n): I apologise but if that was true it means he killed these people for a hunch

You gesture to the tons of body's inside a wagon

Armin: well why bring the cannons if he didn't want to trap something

(Y/n) thoughts: aren't those the cannons I mentioned back in trost?

Jean: also the mission ended once those titans ran into the forest

Armin: we did hear that titan scream it could have been the female

(Y/n): she's to strong to have been defeated

Armin: maybe under normal means

Jean: it doesn't matter she's gone

Placing the last body inside a wagon you climb back on your horse

Erwin: Scouts stick together we will be heading straight back no detours

Scouts: sir!

Moving your horse over to the center wagon you gallop next to it where Mikasa has Eren on her lap

(Y/n): how's he doing?

Mikasa: he's unconscious but fine

(Y/n): what happened?

Levi: that's none of you businesses focus on riding

(Y/n): yes sir!

You moved away from the wagon as Levi glared at you

Levi: what's your name?

(Y/n): (y/n) Tybur sir

Levi: what's your connection to Eren?

(Y/n): we trained together he's actually the reason I joined the scouts

Levi: I see then don't go dying on him that brat needs as many allies as possible

Mikasa: (y/n) I didn't know you joined because of Eren

(Y/n): that's probably cause you don't like talking to me

??1: wait!

??2: don't leave us behind!

Twisting round in your saddle you see two scouts far off in the distant being chased by two titans

(Y/n): sit what are our orders!

Levi: keep moving!

Levi turn his horse round charging back to the two scouts

They were both grabbed by a titan one was swallowed hole as the other was being held like a piece of bacon

Levi leaped from his horse moving so fast you couldn't tell what he did but the titans were dead once he landed

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