evil in the eye of the beholder

875 21 10

You had no idea how much time past as when ever you would wake up someone would add a new dosage to your body

Each time your consciousness faded they returned, visions of all you killed each on judged you over and over again

(Y/n): I'm sorry

Marco: this is your fault

(Y/n): I'm sorry

Scoutman: I trusted you

(Y/n): I'm sorry

MP: I lost everything because of you

(Y/n): I'm sorry

Child: why does it still hurt I want my mum

(Y/n): I'm sorry!

Eyes snapping open you scream at the top of your lungs but what comes out is a muffled yell as a metal gag is stuck inside your mouth

Not only that you were hanging upside downcl from the ceiling hanging from a chain

Looking around you could see Eren chained to a pedestal his mouth also gagged

Though none of this was as worrying as where you actually were, it seemed to be a underground sanctum made entirely out of crystal but that wasn't what worried you

It was the part where Eren was chained the design was all to familiar as you've used it once before

To eat your grandfather

(Y/n) thoughts: this isn't good

??: good it looks like the two of you are awake

Twisting to look towards the ground you see two figures walking up

MrReiss: I do apologise for the accommodations

Historia: father why is (y/n) chained up doesn't he work for you?

MrReiss: oh no my dear, he's a rival wanting to steal the power that's rightfully yours

Historia: but the black coats

MrReiss: I see the confusion now, yes the black coats work for me and (y/n) had once been a member with Zel Liam and Lana

Historia's Eyes widen as she moves the chain she still wore up to read the names

Historia: I see

MrReiss: now let's stop being rude we're ignoring our main guest

Historia: Eren my father isn't evil, he just wants to help paradise

Eren didn't even let out a muffled grunt in response, but you did

Screaming at the top of your lungs you tried getting the gag out your mouth

(Y/n): Hmmmm! Hmmmm! (Historia run he's gonna turn you like us!)

MrReiss: (y/n) it is quite rude to talk with your mouth full

Historia: he seems upset about something, (y/n) it's alright you don't need to kill anymore once my fathers plan is done

Increasing your out rage you scream even louder

Historia had no idea what this place was, and if her father's plan involved you being here it meant he wanted you dead with Eren

Kenny: well little princess it seems your pet knows something you don't

MrReiss: Kenny I told you that no one but those involved in the ritual can be here

Kenny: my apologies but I'm just here to let you know that my scouts have spotted people coming here

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