misunderstandings amd reunions

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Avoiding the black coats along with Kenny soldiers was very easy as they made no effort to hide themselves for the next few days

It seemed they took control of the hunt for Eren and captain Levi, luckily thanks to your coat any soldier that saw you assumed you were a black coat

The only problem was getting close enough to steal any information would show you weren't a current member

Right now you stood in the streets pushing past partying civilians for the Kings anniversary

Today everyone got extra rations putting many people in a good mood

Though none of them was a concern what you were focused on was the hooded group walking down the streets

Even with their faces covered you recognised your old allies

(Y/n) thoughts: why are they so blantly walking in public?

People began screaming as a wagon rushed down the street leaning over the edge a man grab Eren and Christa leaving Sasha and Conny behind

Increasing your speed you almost run into eye sight when you freeze

Sasha: Armi-, Historia Eren!

(Y/n): dammit

(Y/n) thoughts: so that's there plan, Historia is being moved some place else

Turning you leave Conny and Sasha neither one even realising you were there

Climbing a roof you try and figure out Levi's plan

(Y/n): if everyone is in the main street then, they must be somewhere with less people

Looking over at the only part of town your hunch is proven as few of Kenny men fly off in that direction

(Y/n): shit!

Breaking into a run you leap across the roof making a few foot holds along the way

A blast rips your ear off along with your hood as Levi flys past being chased by a hoard of Kennys men

His eyes lock with yours as you hood blows away

As Levi vanishes from sight his pursuers ignore you once again assuming because of the coat which side you're on

Down below a wagon was being chased by two of Kenny men and one black coat

Their white weapon revealing it to be Liam

Leaping onto the street you pursue the wagon as its roof gets ripped off

Making pillers throw you into the air your able to match the speed of the gun ODM gear

Eren: is that (y/n)!

Liam: stay out of this (y/n) the girls mine!

Eren: that bastard he's working with them!

A chuckle rose from Liam sending a nasty feeling to your gut

Liam: come on (y/n) it's your job to kill anyone in our way down get personal!

Historia: (y/n) why?

You were unable to answer her question as a dart shoots into Historia's neck knocking her unconscious

Eren: Historia!

Moving over to her Eren meets the same fate falling on top of her

(Y/n): Liam give up now and I won't kill you!

Liam: sorry (y/n) but you know the rules can't let a Misson go unfulfilled also love the look the broken hood really shows your betrayal

Scout: Eren get up!

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