underground pt 1

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            ( 1 year before cadets)

(Y/n): I'm leaving for a bit

Reiner: again don't you remember last time

Annie: (y/n) let one of us come with you

(Y/n): no and I won't be telling you where I'm going so don't follow me

Standing up you look at Bertholdt waiting to see if he says anything

Bertholdt: your incharge so we can't disobey you but promise if you need help you'll ask for it from us

(Y/n): I promise if I can't handle something I'll ask for help now I'm leaving

The three stare at you as you walk away not one sure about you going off alone

Your travel took about a day for you to arrive at your destination, once there you cut your hand to activate your building power

You focused hardened titan skin into the ground digging a hole till it opened enough for you to see houses far down below

(Y/n): looks like that guard wasn't lying there really is a city underground

Climbing down the hole you fill the roof in and hang there looking at all the streets

(Y/n): that should be a good spot

Climbing across the earth ceiling you angle yourself above a alley where no you couldn't see anyone

With the coast clear you let go and drop to the city

It took a good 30 seconds till you landed breaking nearly every bone in your body

(Y/n): I probably should have found a better way down

Unable to move while your body healed you just stared at the ceiling where you had fallen

(Y/n): these people have probably never seen the sun, I wonder if their like me cause of that

Your body healed about 30 minutes later allowing you to stand

(Y/n): finally now let's begin

Walking out the alley you stare at all the people walking around

Not one seemed interested in you as they went on with their daily lives

Man: hey kid come here

(Y/n): you talking to me?

Man: yeah

Walking over to the man you stare into his eyes

Man: you see my boss owns this street and he doesn't like new people

The man grabbed you and forced you against a wall placing a knife to your neck

Man: who do you work for how much they paying you to scout us out

(Y/n): I have no idea what your talking about no one's paying me

Man: that's a lie no one here does anything without being payed for it

(Y/n): so money is what matters here thank you and goodbye

Man: wha-

His grip weakens as blood shoots out his throat he tries holding the blood in to no success as he slowly dies

Looking around you look at all the people who are ignoring the murder none wanting to get involved in what they think is a fight between gangs

With the man's gagging died down you begin searching his pockets

falling Hammer (Aot Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now