Ep.4: Michelle Grace Vs Deonna Purazzo

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Justin: This #1 Contenders match us scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the Ring; Michelle Grace!

Justin: And her opponent; "The Virtuosa" Deonna Purazzo!

MDT: And here we go, folks! Michelle Grace and Deonna Purazzo circle each other in the center of the ring, both competitors looking for an opening.

Super: These two women are no strangers to each other, and they both know that a title shot is on the line. The tension is palpable.

They lock up in the middle of the ring, and Deonna Purazzo quickly gains the upper hand with her technical prowess. She transitions into a wristlock, putting pressure on Michelle's arm.

MDT: Michelle Grace, though, showing her resilience, counters with a series of quick reversals and arm drags. She's trying to break free from Deonna's grip.

Super: Deonna Purazzo isn't giving an inch. She uses her striking ability to regain control, targeting Michelle's left arm with pinpoint precision.

Michelle Grace manages to create some separation with a swift kick to Deonna's midsection. She follows up with a dropkick that sends Purazzo staggering back.

MDT: Grace is seizing this opportunity, going for a high-risk move. She climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off, hitting a picture-perfect crossbody! The crowd is loving this action!

Super: But Deonna Purazzo is a wily competitor. She rolls through the crossbody attempt and transitions it into a Fujiwara armbar! Michelle Grace is in trouble!

Grace is desperately reaching for the ropes, trying to break free from the excruciating submission hold. The pain on her face is evident.

MDT: She's inching closer and closer... and she makes it! Michelle Grace gets her hand on the bottom rope, forcing Deonna to release the hold.

Super: Deonna Purazzo is frustrated, but she's not giving up. She drags Michelle Grace back to the center of the ring and continues her assault on the injured arm.

Grace is showing incredible heart and determination, but Deonna Purazzo is relentless. She locks in the Queen's Gambit crossface submission

MDT: Michelle Grace is in the center of the ring with nowhere to go! The pain must be excruciating!

Grace manages to roll through the submission attempt and turns it into a surprise pin!

Super: 1...2...

Deonna kicks out just in the nick of time

MDT: Both women are exhausted, but they're still giving it their all. This match has been a true test of skill and endurance.

Deonna Purazzo, showing her ring awareness, catches Michelle Grace with a sudden Snap Suplex

Super: She's not done yet! Deonna heads to the top turnbuckle, and she's signaling for the Venus Touch elbow drop!

MDT: And she nails it! The Venus Touch connects perfectly!

MDT: Deonna Purazzo goes for the cover... 1, 2, 3!

Justin: Here's your winner; Deonna Purazzo!

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