EP.4; Dolph Ziggler Vs Carmelo Hayes

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Justin: This match is Scheduled for One Fall! Making his way to the ring; Dolph Ziggler!

Justin: And his Opponent; Carmelo Hayes!

Super: Carmelo Hayes showing his agility and speed right out of the gate!Ziggler slides back into the ring, only to be met by a series of quick arm drags and a beautifully executed hurricanrana by Hayes. Ziggler is visibly frustrated as he retreats to the ropes.Announcer: Carmelo Hayes is using his high-flying skills to keep Ziggler guessing!

Ziggler manages to counter an attempted Irish whip and sends Hayes crashing into the turnbuckle. He follows up with a series of hard-hitting elbows and a neckbreaker, gaining control of the match.

MDT: Ziggler has turned the tables with his veteran experience!Ziggler continues to target Hayes' neck with a combination of stomps and submission holds. Hayes struggles to break free but eventually fights back with a jaw-dropping enzuigiri, leaving both superstars down.Announcer: What a reversal by Carmelo Hayes! Both men are down, and the crowd is on their feet!

Hayes slowly makes his way to his feet and starts building momentum with a flurry of strikes and a spinebuster. He signals to the crowd before nailing a picture-perfect standing shooting star press.Announcer: Incredible athleticism by Carmelo Hayes! He's on fire!

Hayes attempts a springboard maneuver, but Ziggler counters with a superkick in mid-air, sending Hayes crashing to the mat. Ziggler goes for the cover, but Hayes kicks out at the last moment.Announcer: Unbelievable resilience by Carmelo Hayes!

Ziggler sets up for the Zig Zag finisher, but Hayes manages to slip out and hits a lightning-quick DDT. He climbs the turnbuckle and delivers a breathtaking 450 splash!Announcer: Carmelo Hayes is going for the win!

Referee: 1… 2…

Ziggler kicks out just in time!With both superstars showing signs of exhaustion, the match reaches its climax. Hayes attempts a springboard crossbody, but Ziggler counters into a Superkick.

Referee: 1... 2... 3!

Justin: Here's Your Winner; Dolph Ziggler!

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