I'm not even sure why I'm asking. When all is said and done, I'm not even sure Grayson will want to be five feet in my vicinity.

He lets out a long sigh. "Of course, I support you, Layla. And believe me when I say all I've ever wanted for Grayson is for him to be happy."

Maybe I ruined that. He was happy. I don't know what he is now.

I turn back around, crossing my arms. I should be satisfied with that answer. At least I have one person who supports me. Well, other than Grandpa. But all I can feel is that deep ache.

— — —

Monday couldn't come soon enough. I've been counting down by the hour and it's finally here.

"I'm not going to have him in this house, Dad. Not with my daughter just a few doors down from his."

I hear the distant conversation coming from the kitchen. I quickly grab the remote and turn the volume down so I can listen better.

"Mace, he has nowhere else to go. I raised you better than this," Grandpa says in a tone that would make me feel terrible about myself.

"I appreciate it, Dad. But my only concern right now is Layla. Look what has happened ever since he showed up in her life."

"They're in love, Macy." That's Grandma. "Try to understand."

Mom's voice is growing more upset. "I'm not going to try to understand. I was this close to losing my daughter. I would rather her hate me for the rest of her life than lose her. And loving Grayson has only brought herself to danger."

Footsteps enter the kitchen. The conversation dies then. "He's upstairs, getting his things. Kade's on his way to pick him up," Hale says into the quiet.

He's in the house. He's upstairs. I freeze.

"Are you sure you still want him at the wedding?"

"Of course," Grandma and Grandpa say at the same time. But I only pay attention to my mom's sigh.

"He's your nephew, Hale. Of course he can," she says, her voice tired.

I hear a slight shuffle of feet. "But ...  people will talk," Hale says.

"Who cares. Just make sure he stays away from Layla." Then the kitchen goes quiet again and footsteps leave, the back door clicking shut.

I get up from the couch and head to the front of the house and wait on the porch, though my body protests with every step. I look like shit. I haven't showered since yesterday morning. My hair is in a ball at the back of my head, and I'm pretty sure the sweats I'm wearing are Nate's.

I wait for what feels like an hour. But I know time is moving slowly for me. Finally the front door opens at the same time Kade's car pulls into the driveway.

Grayson walks out with his gaze ahead, his duffel bag hanging over his body, his grip tight on the strap.

"Grayson," I say.

He looks at me and says nothing. I walk up to him but make sure I keep a good distance. His eyes roam over me, from my socks to the cherry blossom pendant around my neck, then he looks up, keeping his gaze ahead.

"Say something," I whisper, swallowing the lump in my throat.

His jaw clenches, the muscle ticking. "I have to go, Layla," he says faintly, avoiding my eyes.

God, it's good to hear his voice.

I clear my throat, tears forming in my eyes. "I came to see you. With Hale."


"I'm sorry, Grayson." The tears start to fall. "But you know why I did it."

He closes his eyes, breathing. "Yeah. I know."

"I love you."

There. I've said it. I can't take it back now. I never want it back.

He sucks in a breath, his eyes becoming red from unshed tears. He looks at me. "I have to go," he says, a tear sliding down his cheek.

Pain like I've never felt before fills my chest.

I watch his back as he leaves me on the porch, breaking down. So many tears are pouring out of my eyes I can't even see him anymore.

At some point Hale finds me, sobbing on the floor of the porch. And he just holds me. I cry there in the arms of my stepdad, wondering if my life will ever be okay again.

"Sh," he says, rubbing my arm. "It's going to be okay, Layla."

I hope he's right.

Remember to vote ! Sorry for the late update school is crazy 😭 thanks for reading guys! Any guesses as to what happened? I'd love to hear your theories so don't be afraid to comment!!

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