Chapter 16.

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Layla's inside. With Jenny. They're drinking tea.

Kade walks out the back door, sitting beside me in front of the glistening blue pool. "What's on your mind?" He asks, staring into the water with me.

"She likes you," I say.

I can hear Kade release a long breath. "Nah, she wants you, brother. I can't compete with that. My concern is if you'll be good enough to have her."

I don't want to be good, but she makes me want to be good.

So I shrug. "I don't know. Maybe you're better for her."

The thought sets fire to my insides, making me nauseous, and I don't like feeling it, but I welcome it.

"Don't say shit like that. You don't mean it."

Fuck. I need a drink. I head to the liquor cabinet and grab the first bottle I touch. Jenny can get pissed if she wants to. I don't give a shit. I just need to not feel what I'm feeling right now. I sip straight from the bottle, sitting back down, the alcohol stronger than I expected.

"Want some?"

Kade exhales a laugh. "And who's gonna drive your drunk ass home later?"

I don't know how much I've had, but eventually, Kade pulls the bottle out of my hand, telling me I've had enough. I lie down on the cold concrete as Kade walks away, letting the alcohol set in.

I don't know how much time has passed, but when I open my eyes, Kade and Layla stare down at me.

"Time to go, Grayson," Kade says. "Can you get up?"

I push up off the ground and feel somewhat okay. The walk to Kade's car is a blur. All I can stare at is the back of Layla's neck. She put her hair up at some point tonight, and I've never seen it up.

I slump down in the back, letting Layla sit up front with Kade. They talk the whole car ride. He says he's excited to see her on campus in the fall, and when she blushes, I suddenly want to throw up the vodka I've had all over this car.

He's better for her than you. He can treat her better. I don't know where these thoughts are coming from.

Layla shoots a glance back at me, slight worry in her expression. I want her to never look away. But she does, and then she laughs at something Kade says.

We're back at the Langley's place, and I can finally get out of this fucking car. Layla pushes the seat forward, and I stumble out, holding onto the vehicle for support.

"Thanks, Kade. That was fun."

He smiles at her. "You're welcome any time." Then he turns to me. "Goodnight, brother. Remember to drink some water."

I nod, reaching over unsteadily, pushing his head, and messing up his hair. I fucking love this kid. He laughs and waves goodbye before driving off. Yeah, I'm drunk.

"You smell like vodka," Layla says softly, standing there in the night.

"Do you like it?"

She shakes her head. "No. Why are you drunk?"

Because you're torturing me. Because I fucking want you.

But I just smile. "Why not?"

"Are you going to be able to make it upstairs without a fuss, or should I get Brett?"

I scoff at that. "Relax, I can hold my alcohol pretty well."

We walk to the house, and I only want to be in bed. Layla goes straight upstairs. I'm about to follow her when Hale calls me from the kitchen.

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