Chapter 2

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After a nice refreshing bath, Aric stepped out to his balcony in comfortable clothing and watched the empire below. He smiled as he watched his people thrive and enjoy the peace he created by putting his life on the line everytime he left Edenia, it wasn't always easy.

Jerrod was born thousands of years before him and that made him a lot older than Aric, the prince was still the young one. But their parents decided to have Aric after such a long time and it proved to be good in their favor. When their parents died, Jerrod immediately took action and became King while Aric became his General and led the Edenian Army to many victories.

Edenia wasn't always like this. Because of Aric and his many victories, Edenia turned into what it is today; a prosperous nation that had life and joyous energy.

Aric was deep in thought when he heard thunder rumble, he looked up and saw how bright the day was with no storm clouds. Then lightning sparked behind him and he turned to see Raiden on his balcony, Aric stood away from the edge and starts to approach him.

"Lord Raiden." Aric greeted with a bow.

"Prince Aric." Raiden returned the gesture.

"It has been centuries. How have you been?" Aric asked with a smile.

"I am quite well, Prince Aric." Raiden said with a nod. "It is good to see you have returned safe from your duty in the Netherrealm."

"Thank you." Aric smiled before frowned. "What brings you here? Did something happen?"

"I heard about Outworld's victory over Edenia in the Mortal Kombat tournament." Raiden said with a distressed look. "It is alarming news. It will be a matter of time before he invades."

"We are aware. But Shao Kahn knows his place even in the heat of victory during the tournament." Aric said placing his hands behind his back and walked toward the edge. "He won't get a chance to invade as long as my presence is in Edenia."

"Yes. You are correct." Raiden said with curt nod. "Shao Kahn has deliberately avoided direct confrontation with you. He for sure knows of your experience in war and conquest."

Aric nodded before he formed a green swirl of energy in his hands, he looked at it deeply before he looked up at Raiden.

"What is this power, Raiden?" Aric asked.

"You mentioned it entered your body in the outskirts of Outworld while battling the Shokan, yes?" Raiden asked.

"Yes. It was by the ruins of an old civilization." Aric said, remembering how he got the power. "I stepped on a trap and it released some form of mechanism which led to the power possessing me."

Raiden hummed at this.

"I have searched for the answers and I found one. The power you wield is the Emerald Jinsei, it is very potent in it'd natural form and I'm surprised you even survived it. The Emerald Jinsei is excess energy that had been left behind after the realms were formed, so in a way it found its place in you."

"I'm not really one for magic. Never needed it." Aric said with a sigh. "But if I'm to wield it, then I should learn how to use it."

"Indeed. Care to test it out?" Raiden asked.

"If you don't mind, Lord Raiden." Aric smirked.

Raiden smiled and stood back and they both got into stances.

Raiden started first by dashing forward with lightning and threw a punch but Aric blocked it and ducked under a kick before throwing his own hit, Raiden blocked it and blasted lightning at Aric bit the young prince spun out of its way and blasted a swirl if green flames at Raiden. Raiden blocked using his lightning.

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