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Hey everybody, it's Ann. Just a few things I wanted to go over first for the few people who actually read this part.

1. This contains mature content that may be triggering and there will be no warnings. She has an ED and was abused so she has PTSD and anxiety. Very toxic relationship waring!! I would say this is 18+ but no ones going to listen to that anyway so just read at your own risk. (It actually probably won't be that bad)

2. This is my first book so don't be judgmental but if you have any thoughts/questions feel free to comment.

3. I don't know if I'll post regularly because I have school but I will when I can.

4. This is my original plot and book. DO NOT COPY IT. It belongs to me. If you do you will be blocked and I will report you to Wattpad.

5. She is religious. If you don't like it, see ya. 👋🫡

6. In my opinion, the first few chapters are a little boring and rough because I have to introduce the characters and it's hard to start. I promise it gets interesting😂

7.Happy Reading!

Estrella Hart

19 years old. Red hair, green eyes, lots of freckles.

5'2 and skinny from lack of eating because she couldn't always afford it.

Mother of Elenora (Elle)

Gave birth when she was sixteen.

Moves around a lot for come and go jobs.

Basically broke and lives on the very edge of poverty.

Struggling with an ED.

Elenora (Elle) Hart

3 years old. Red hair and green eyes that match her mother's. Lots of freckles.

Estrella and Elle look a lot a like, even though she's three.

Happy and healthy baby.

Dante De' Luca

23 years old. Black hair and grey eyes. Very muscular. (Every typical book man)


Don of the Italian mafia.

Cold towards everyone and is known for his cut throat nature.

Thinks that love is a waste of time, even though he loves his family but doesn't show it.

Other characters will be introduced in the story. I might give them an overview later on but idk yet. These are the three main characters.

P.S. If this story goes well and I actually finish it I might make a sequel about Elle's journey when she's around nineteen too. Again idk yet, but tell me your thoughts.

Happy reading,


Estrella Where stories live. Discover now