Rock Lee went over to Sakura, "My name is Rock Lee, you are Sakura right?"

Sakura tilted her head, "huh?" Rock Lee gave her a thumbs up, blushing, "please be my girlfriend, I'll protect you with my life!"

Sakura looked dumbfounded, "definitely...Not."

Rock Lee gave her the same look, "why..?"

They both looked uncomfortable, "because you're a weirdo." Naruto laughed at the situation.

"Hey you, what's your name?" Neji walked over to Sasuke with Tenten.

"When you want to learn someone else's name, you should give yours first" Sasuke slightly smirked, showing his arrogance.

"You're a rookie right? How old are you?" Neji was curious about this new genin.

"I'm not obliged to answer," Sasuke walked away. Neji sneered, he didn't hide his annoyance.

I chuckled in amusement, drawing attention to me. Rock Lee, seeing me, immediately went over to me.

"Pretty lady, may I take you on a date?" He held his hand out. I smirked at him and gave him my hand.

He kissed it.

"I'm going to have to turn you down sadly," Rock Lee looked sad but nodded his head. "I will retread for now, but I will win you over!"

I chuckled and patted his head, "I only date those stronger than me."

I nodded to my team, and we went to the third floor. But not without me smirking at all those on the floor.

On the way to the real room 301, I saw Kakashi leaning on the wall. He was waiting his his students. I smirked and walked right past him, not giving him a glance.

Sina went to open the door, "how does it feel?"

I turned to Kakashi, "excuse me?"

I changed my voice to a more soft and sweet kind. Plus I was wearing an eye mask, and my hair was white.

"How does it be back?"

It was silent.

Everyone stood still.

And in the silence, was my laughter.

My genuine laughter.

"Like a dream," I smirked and walked inside room 301.

There were quite a few people here. All of them turned to the door to see who else was here. Who else they would have to fight.

I chuckled at the room, smirking in all my glory.

I saw Kabuto who was leaning against the wall to my left.

We made eye contact.

Time to start acting insufferable.

"All genin in the room, may I have your attention!" I announced.

Everyone gave me their attention. Some weren't happy about it. Some were curious. And some were dying, but that was just Kabuto.

"Good luck, and may the best win!"

It was silent.

No one said anything or moved.

This is awkward.

I rolled my eyes and bowed mockingly.

I went to Kabuto who was cringing. "Insufferable enough?" I teased.

I will survive (naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now