Surpassing True Infinity

Start from the beginning

Millimeter by Millimeter I slowly moved through with each minute that passed per millimeter. After arriving to a realization that this nonsensical situation just like everything else was made up of Integrity no wonder the Integrity Demons didn't try to escape because it was an impossibility for them. I gradually began absorbing this "substance" because of its sheer quality and density that I haven't dealt with until now.

It took an eternity to absorb not even a percent of the layer until after many eternities I managed to completely absorb the anomaly into myself. 15.1,15.2,15.3,15.4,15.5,15.6,15.7,15.8,15.9 & 16. After I arrived in the Angel version of the IntegritySphere which I absorbed all of the Angels within each rank and Cosmology which far less time I even defeated the Archangel and Fallenarchangel in merely one eternity which made me go to the zero cosmology and start entering the other side from which I entered/16.5..

This repeated for the Nephalem's and outliers side resulting in 17.5. I then began absorbing the the maximum number math allowed for paraverses within the IntegritySphere and I did this with every single cosmology level in each paraverse including the original. 19.999999999 was my current level so I threw caution to the wind and absorbed the trees within all versions of the IntegritySphere resulting in me attaining Integrity L.V. 20 the limit for the Finite IntegritySphere.

I then ended up in the next realm of the IntegritySphere known as the Infinite IntegritySphere. This is so because it operates under the idea of the previous IntegritySphere being limited so much so that it was only infinitesimally above zero to the lowest extent.

This time instead of Demons it was Angels instead. Trying to defeat Angels is far harder than just fighting them normally because I was immune to many of the Demon's abilities in the first realm of the IntegritySphere, Angels were the opposite because they could use any of their abilities to casually stop me at every turn.

(20=infinitesimal fraction of a letter,21=Fraction of a letter,22=Letter,23=Multiple Letters,24=word, 25=Words, 26=Sentence, 27=Sentences, 28= Definition, 29=Definitions, 30=Page, 31=Pages, 32=Chapter, 33= Chapters, 34=Acts, 35=Book, 36=Books, 37= Narrative, 38=Narratives, 39=Series, 40=Franchise)

I had to adjust to hit & run tactics just to stay alive because I was a 20 and he was a 30. By all means I should have been defeated before I even existed but he wasn't taking me seriously. Thankfully do to this Angel's disinterest in taking me seriously I was able to improve my skills and abilities at a absurdly multiplicative rate. 20,20.1,20.2,20.3,20.4,20.5,20.6,20.7,20.9,21,21.1,21.2,21.3,21.4,21.5,21.6,21.7,21.8,21.9,22,22.1,22.2,22.3,22.4,22.5,22.6,22.7,22.8,22.9,23..

The Angel finally losing his patience and grew bored of me placed me in a ethereal container and left not before making my very being explode.

I inevitably came back through my complete immortality 23.1.. considering the nonsensical gap in power I decided to image train like the entities from the Dragonball Narrative often do except I made it based on my imagination and made a weaker variant 29 which was still horrifying to consider but was still one Integrity L.V. Lower than the original copy.

If I was fighting the original I would be growing much faster because not only would it take and eternity to advance by .1 I was also image training instead of normal training within a restrictive container which wouldn't allow escape unless I attained 30 like the created of this container I am in. Making my progression a mere tenth of what it was supposed to be.

590 eternities later I have managed to attain Integrity L.V. 29 but now I agave to cultivate Integrity from the Infinite IntegritySphere and this container limited me further and it would take a unforgivable amount of time but I got down to it regardless.

10,000 eternities have passed and I can finally escape this horrid place it took many attacks and strategies but eventually I destroyed it and was now feeling the liberating feeling of freedom I also discovered the previous version of the IntegritySphere I was in was merely the First and lowest Realm, and the second realm the Infinite IntegritySphere I was now in is we're normal Integrity Entities reside and frolic. Even though the Angel was annihilating me and also sealed me in that container for many eternities it was merely play fighting for them and for all I know 30 was them severely holding back there power.

As I look it around this infinite IntegritySphere made the first realm's IntegritySphere look like a homeless person living in extreme squalor with the most horrendous of conditions along with worst situations and even that comparison wouldn't come close to the sheer difference between the two.

I still have so much work to do.

I fly into the distance seeking shelter from the powerful and terrifying angels not to mention I fought the weakest representation of a Angel a non physical Angel, how powerful are the the physical Angels let alone the ethereal ones?

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