Grace's POV
I woke with arms around me, not just any arms, Adley Rutschman's arms. As I remember what happened last night, my cheek heated up. I then felt lips pressed on the back of my neck. I turned around and was met by the most beautiful blue eyes I could ever lay my eyes on. " Good Morning, Princess," Adley said with his raspy morning voice. " Good Morning, Adley" I said with a smile. " How did you sleep," Adley asked. " Pretty good, what about you," I asked. " I slept pretty good as well," Adley said with a smile. " Last night was amazing," I said. Adley smiled, " It was, I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said. " Can I wear your jersey to the game," I asked. Adley smiled again and said " Of course, you can sweet girl, I'll go get you one, do you have a preference on the color," " I like the White jerseys," I said. " Alright, I'll be right back," Adley said. Then Adley left to get the jersey. then I got a text from Bobby.

Bobby 💪 Good Morning, Sis

Grace 🖤 Good morning, Bobby

Bobby 💪 Ready for Game 2

Grace 🖤 Sure am 😁

Bobby💪 You better be wearing Dodger stuff

Grace 🖤 Okay what ever you say Big Bro 😁

Bobby 💪 I'm serious

Grace 🖤 So am I

Bobby 💪 Kay see you at the Game

Grace 🖤 Cya

I'm so not wearing dodgers stuff to the game, 😈 I know my brother can be protective and I love him but I'm old enough to date who I want. Therefore I'm wearing Adley's Jersey to the game. Bobby will just have to deal with it. Then I heard Adley come back and I had a devilish smile on my face. Adley looked me confused. " Princess why are you smiling like that," Adley asked. " Because I told my brother I'm wearing dodgers stuff today when I'm really going to be wearing your jersey," I said. " Wouldn't that make him mad," Adley asked. " That's the point, Bobby can be protective when it comes to me," I said. " Yea I can tell," Adley said. " I'm old to date who I want," I said. " I just hope he doesn't want to beat the shit of me," Adley said. " I won't let him," I said. " Alright when I'll see you at the field,Princess " Adley said as he gives me a kiss. " Alright, see ya later, Big boy," I said with a giggle.

Adley's POV
Lordy I cannot believe Grace and I actually had sex last night, and now she's wearing MY jersey to the game to today, on top of trying to piss off her brother. Man I am one lucky guy.

Grace's POV
Then I got ready for Game 2, I wore a black crop and black pants with my Jordan 1 shadows, and the most important part, My "Rutschman" Jersey. I felt proud wearing his name on my back. I then head to Camden yards. I got there and went out the dugouts.

Bobby's POV
I was hanging around with Will and James Outman I suddenly saw my sister. Wearing an Orioles Jersey, What the hell. " Dude, Didn't you say your sister was gonna rep the dodgers today," Will said. " Yep I did," I said clenching my teeth. I went over to her, " Uh I thought you said you were going wear dodgers stuff," I said. " I said Whatever you say," Grace said. Then I saw the last name on the jersey. It said "Rutschman" on it. " Grace, why are you wearing a "Rutschman" Jersey," I asked. " Because I wanted to," Grace said. " Last time I checked Gunnar was your best friend," I said. " He is my best friend," Grace said. " Then why the hall are you wearing Rutschman's Jersey," I asked. Then I saw Adley and went over to him. " Have you been flirting and Seducing my sister," I asked. " Bobby calm down, your making a scene," Grace said pulling on my arm. " I haven't been seducing her but I have been flirting with her, yes," Adley said. " Look I'm interested in her, alright, and she's old enough to make decisions for herself," Adley said. " Listen, Rutschman, you and her not happening," I said. " Dude I get it, you trying to be a good brother, I have a younger sister myself, and I love her to bits, but I don't go control her love life," Adley said. James comes over put a hand on my shoulder " You got to let her make her own decision, Bobby," James said. Then I get walked away in frustration.

Will's POV
I saw Bobby coming frustrated, and so was I. " Will you were right," Bobby said. " you going to let him have her that easily," I asked. " Of Course not, which is my Im giving you my permission to go out with her or flirt with her," Bobby said. I was surprised, " really," I asked in shock. " Yea, but no funny business, Fresh Prince," Bobby said. " You got it, Bobby, you wont regret it," I said with excitement. Wow I can't believe it, now all I have to do is play my cards right. Watch out, Rutschman enjoy Grace while you have her. 😈

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