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More time

More time

More time

More time

I need more time!

"My lord?" Malfoy spoke

Voldermort's head snapped to his, he backed away and Voldermort stood. Malfoy looked deadly, cold, he was pale... strong- the perfect warrior but Voldemort also knew he was pained, agitated, alone most of all. He'd laugh if he had the strength. He looked towards Nott on the other side of Draco, now he was something...

"You are not well." He spoke again, be brave for her

"I am fine, strong." Voldermort replied, Nagini sliding in between his feet

"Please for the love of merlin slip..."

"What was that Nott?" Voldemort hissed

"Nothing my Lord, I assure you. I was praising Merlin for you being a step closer to success." Theo tweeted happily

Theo looked behind Voldemort and to Malfoy, he shook his head and rolled his eyes. Voldemort tried to walk again only to tumble over onto his knees, his rancid robes tangling with his arms and legs.

"Thank youuuu." Nott whispered, offering his hand

He shoved it away and stood. He needed to think- more should happen... more is to be in order for his win- he MUST win. Voldermort needed bait... powerful enough so that the Vermin of the magical will take it with one dangle. Malfoy could see the cogs in his mind moving and that wasn't good

Who serves me no purpose?

Who can I sacrifice for my win?...

The spy? No... they are too afraid- the whores?

A name popped into his head, a million thoughts raging around his mind

Evan Crouch.

I shall kill them all

"My ffffriend, you must take a request from me. These meetings in secret are tricky." Voldemort uttered

"Yes my lord? Anything." Malfoy said calmly

"I want people dead. The spy and the whores-"

"The circle? Thats a big part of your success my lord. If the men do not have inspiration then they will loose interest." Draco interrupted

"I said what I said! Kill them all! Scare them, hurt them, kill them. We need to draw the Order out... take the mudblood, abandon her and once they come for her attack them. Take out as many as you can!" Voldemort grinned, Theo grinned back at him, the excitement evident in his body language

"Yes my lord. Rest, this war is coming to a close." Theo nodded, he took off

"Nott- my lord we must be rational, in my opinion I think we should just take on the circle as it will cause problems... not the mudblood-" Draco began

"Do I detect... feelings?"

"I'd want my head on a spike if I even for a second felt something for that thing." Draco bit

"I must warn you... you know what happened to Severus Snape when he betrayed me only you will die without such grace." Voldermort threatened

"I assure you my lord.. that thing I hold, means nothing to me. I can't wait to see Granger perish." Malfoy sighed

"Very well, then I suppose you wouldn't mind seeing to my demands. Use her as bait! Kill as many order members as you can! You can be the one to kill the mudblood. Or maybe..." Voldermort stopped to think, smiling down at Nagini


"Maybe I'll reopen the circle. Highest bidder gets the mudblood what do you say? As I suppose you won't want her." He laughed

"A Brilliant idea my lord." Draco swallowed thickly

"Draw them out... kill the mudblood... do it this coming day Draco. I believe in you, my besssssst soldier." Voldemort smiled

"Yes my lord. This coming day... we will begin our decent."


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