
157 1 3

★ abuse  warning ★
★ SA  warning ★

Nova pinched the bridge of her nose to steer off a headache, going days without sleep will do that to someone. Her legs curled behind her chair's leg, her shoes off and the tips of her toes touching the carpet below them, tons of paperwork in front of her that had yet to be done.

Her office was small, it smelled awfully like plain sickening vanilla... and gross old men. Running more than one whore house was tough, being forced to force those woman to do things was even harder. The current state of the house was full, Nova needed to to her rounds before she left for Zabini Manor. This trip was going to be the death of her she just knew it.

Nova stood and carried herself with Grace as she rang a bell, it rang and rang until every man in that house was gone and the place was silent. Soon enough she heard the women consoling eachother, Christ she had the worst job in the world. Damn her feelings.

"Girls? How are we?" Nova spoke

"Wouldn't you like to know?" One girl hissed, she cowered when her eyes met Nova's

"You know I hate this as much as you do. I'll be gone for a little while and I'm sorry to say that the female Carrow will be taking my place." Nova said

A few smiled, that's what they called the Carrows, that or Carrow cunts. Nova smiled and waved herself off, the girls knew to behave when Carrow was around, that woman never played games, it's all blissful business with her. The more money the house makes the more money she makes, she would make the girls work until they pass out.

Nova cared about these girls, just not enough to save them. It wasn't worth the risk of loosing her entire made-up family. If this was the way it has to be in order to maintain then so be it, Nova wouldn't complain.

Nova apparated to Malfoy Manor, giving her memories to a man beside a pensive, he looked through them and nodded, She turned and walked away, her heels clicking as she went. Yaxley and Rosier stared at her with vile smiles, their green yellowish teeth showing. She completely ignored them.

"Nova-lee! Oh how long it's been!" Yaxley grinned

"Yaxley, yes it's been a moment. How are you?" She smiled softly

"Well, I have a new toy-" Yaxley said proudly

"I've had my fair share of go's on her!" Rosier said lustfully

"A new toy? Who, some muggle girl I imagine." She replied, bile in her throat

"Oh yes, she's a beaut. Doing my work for me, work smarter not harder." He chuckled

"I see. I would love to continue this bore of a conversation but I have business to attend too." Nova smiled

She apparated before they could speak, if his new toy was a new spy then it would cause a major problem. Zabini manor was oddly quiet, more than usual, Nova dove straight to the kitchen to pour herself a dashing fire whiskey, downing almost half a bottle in under two minutes. A breath of relief running through her.

"Bad day?"

"Wonderful day actually Nott. Haven't you got someone to play with?" Nova sighed, bother covering her face

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