"How do you know about my parents?", Aera asked looking down.

"Everyone knows about them, unnie. I heard about them from so many people", Nia said.

"Oh", Aera mumbled.


"Let me start-", Nia began.

Aera raised her palm and shook her head.

"I don't want to know anything from anyone other than my brothers. Only they know the true version of my eomma and appa. People have so many versions of everyone. If I want to know something, I only want to know their true nature", Aera mumbled.

"And Nia, if my brothers didn't want to know something, that's the best for me. That's fine with me. They know everything about me and they can decide what I should know and what I shouldn't. Other people don't have a say in this since it's my personal decision", Aera said with a smile, that automatically crept up her lips, thinking about her brothers.

"Unnie, don't mistake me, but aren't you following the patriarchal beliefs, like you let your brothers control everything about you?", Nia questioned out of curiosity.

"Ooh, I'm sorry if you think that way, but you need to rethink. If you see them only as a gender and think they are controlling me, it's not my fault. It would be fine if they were my sisters or if I am their brother?", Aera questioned.

"No, but-", Nia was interrupted.

"See, people see what they want to see. My brothers never tried to control me. I agree, they are scared for me. I am scared too. I know I am a weak person, mentally and physically. I know that I can't handle sadness and stress. It's the way I am. I can change one or two things, but not as a whole. So they look after everything related to me.  They always consider and respect my wishes and decisions first. They are always ready to hear me out. That's not what controlling people will do", Aera said, her voice soft yet strong.

She seemed hesitant to say something.

"And Nia-shi. Thank you for your lovely concern.I have noticed you are too interested in me. Please reduce it. It is making me uncomfortable at this point",  she said as she walked out.

"Fuck", Nia held her head.

"She is not that dumb, eh?", She whispered clenching her jaw.

"Let's see, for how long you can stand along with your filthy brothers", Nia said as a smile crept up her face.

"What took you so long?", Chan whined.

"I told you already, Chennie", Aera said with a defeated sigh.

"Yah! Give me candies for making me wait", Chan sulked beside her.

"You hungry?", Jimin asked caressing her head.

He read through her expression.

She nodded her head.

"Okay, how about this? We all go take a shower and prepare something to eat?", Jungkook sat on the couch, tossing his bag aside.

"Okay", Aera nodded her head and went upstairs.

Tae followed her.

By the time Aera came down, three of them were already there in the kitchen.

She was wearing a black camisole and matching bottoms.

She giggled thinking, what is the use of apron, when they didn't even have a shirt on.

"I just showered. I don't want to shower again",  Tae said.

He had been observing her.

"Yah! Oppa! Stop it", She said embarrassed, thinking how they could read through her.

"You sit here", Jungkook lifted her up and sat her down on the counter top.

She shook her head and attempted to get down when Jimin held her knees.

"Be seated. We will cook everything for you", he said with a small smile.

"I can help", she smiled.

"Buns, you see, you have three strong brothers. Do you think we can't handle this?", Jungkook asked flexing his arms.

"Strong doesn't go with cooking, Oppa", she sassed.

Jimin rolled her eyes.

"One drop of water in hot oil, then boom!", she gestured her hand mimicking an explosion.

"That's why, stay there!", Tae smirked at her.

The three of them laughed, watching her sulk with a pout.

"You and your JoOnIe OpPa are banned from the kitchen", Jimin said going back to his work.

"I will tell everything to Joonie Oppa. Just wait and watch", Aera threatened them.

"Just wait and watch", Jungkook mocked her.

They had a peaceful feast.

The brothers came to the living room and bursted out laughing.

There she was laying down on the floor with her legs wide open on the couch and thinking about something, deeply.

She got startled with their sound.

She realised her positioned and sat up straight.

"Ah! My legs", she whiled feeling them numb.

"What were you doing?", Jimin said with a chuckle as he sat in the couch and pulled her on his lap.

"Just thinking", she said with a little groan.

He pressed her legs as the other two sat on the either side of them.

"About?", Tae asked switching on the Tv.

Suddenly a jolt of energy passed through her and her face lit up.

She sat on the table, opposite to them.

They prepared themselves to hear whatever that was gonna come out of her mouth.

Taehyung muted the Tv as everyone looked at her with anticipation.

"Oppa, you are you. I am me", she said.

They looked at each other and nodded their heads

"Isn't it baffling like how we don't know what is going inside us?!! Like our own self?!", She questioned.

"You mean mentally?", Jungkook asked.

"Mentally, yeah. But more importantly physically. Like you eat food. You can only feel it till your mouth. After that you won't know what's happening inside your body. You can't feel it unless something is out of the ordinary. You can't feel the blood pumping through your veins. You can't feel the air storing in your lungs. You can't feel the liver storing your sugar. Heck, you can't control the way your heart beats. It's our own body. But we don't know what's happening without the help of a third party", she said as her eyes sparkled.

"Wow", They said amazed.

"I wish you were my teacher", Jungkook mumbled.

"It's...it's interesting", Taehyung nodded his head.

Jimin was lost in thoughts about what she said.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now