Meet the younglings

Start from the beginning

His gaze snapped to a sudden seriousness at the thought of disobeying protocol, well when all your generals are in the room right next to you anyway. His mind won "I'll give you a warning kid. My name is Captain Rex. I lead the 501st." He introduced himself. Amarilla seemed to shrink. "I just want to know who my master will be..." Rex frowned slightly the lines on his face matching to meet his expression. "We're discussing the upcoming battle" he says sharply. "Oh" she says shrinking back even more. "I hate battles" He paused for a moment gathering his thoughts "We were made for them. You'll learn to accept the consequences of war". His eyes drifted to the door of the room in which the others where gathered. Memories unveiled themselves, his brown eyes having a far away look. He blinked coming back to his normal state, gaze returning to Amarilla. "Be patient and your answers will be revealed in time" he says back on the subject of her upcoming master. He turned around and stepped away, his full intent on walking away. "I've been patient. But it takes so long!" She insisted. "I'm sorry for what I said about battles. I just don't want to fight. It's not that I'm scared, I'm as brave as anyone. No matter what Akia says. I just would rather heal people then hurt them." She covered her mouth, realizing she'd probably gotten herself into more trouble. Rex raised an eyebrow and paused midstep. "Follow what you believe is right, look into being a medic them." Amarilla stared down before answering "I can't, I asked. Jedi are supposed to defend those who need to be defended. And fight alongside the troops" she says in a small voice. He looked at her "ever think of breaking the rules?" He asks interested in what she had to say. Amarilla smiled slightly. "I'm here, instead of in my room reading like I'm supposed to be. What do you think?" Rex smiled slightly at the comment yet was confused. Aren't lower ranking officers supposed to obey their CO's? He didn't when he was a rookie, at least not very well until Bric came along. He shrugged "fair point. Want to meet some of my brothers?" She looked at him eyes wide "you have brothers?""You've never met any other clones?" He asks eyes narrowing in confusion. "I'm not normally here, leaving the temple is pretty rare." She confessed. "Not technically supposed to be down here." He takes in the information and nodded. "Might as well make the most of it. By the way if your friends who thought they slipped off undetected want to come they can." Tasha and Ouno whispered to each other, something along the lines of "And we thought we where sneaky." He chuckled "follow me" he says walking with strides brisk and light. The young trio sped after the Captain. As they where passing by a marksman, Spectre. They greyish, brown eyes of the clone inspected the younglings curiously. Several small scars covered his forehead and nose area and a large scar cut through his eyebrow. The red curved like marking on his face (which is around his eye) shung under the lights. His eyes snapped away and back towards his sniper rifle cleaning it's barrel well. "Do your brothers look like you?" Tasha asked. "Do you have a lot of them?" Ouno chimed. "Yes and Yes" he answers simply "we get new ones everyday, we're cloned constantly. But clones customize their appearance with tattoos and piercings" he says. "Cool." "I wanted to dye my hair, but Madam Jocasta said no when I asked" Tasha chirped. Ouno nodded mutely. "You two do realize you are different people, right?" Amarilla checked. Both looked at her like she was crazy. "No we aren't" they argued. Rex listened, used to things being discussed quickly. He lived with brothers, you had to grow accustomed to it. He chuckled and stepped into the barracks of the 501st.

Everyone immediately snapped to attention the white and blue armor glinting in the lights. Some clone's attention turned to the younglings, curiosity sparking in their gaze. Others remained trained on Rex until the order was given. "At ease". As this was said the clones relaxed and went back to their normal routines. The kids eyes looked like they were about to bug out of their heads, as they took in every sight. A clone approached overall carrying himself in a goofy fun loving stature. He flashed the kids a welcoming grin before adding "hey kiddos! I'm CT-4171! But you can call me Blaster!" "Hi!" Amarilla said cheerfully. "I'm Amarilla, and this is Tasha Lem and Ouno. We can't pronounce his last name." "Hey Blaster" Tasha and Ouno say at the same time. He saluted respectfully to them "I look forwards to seeing you guys be our commanders and eventual generals on the battlefield! Nice to meet all of you." A group of clones now approached and a newly appointed ARC trooper was next to introduce himself. Unlike Blaster this clone had a more mature big brother aurora. "I'm Bones" he says taking a protectiveness to the trio already. Another raised his hand the shiny tattoo on the corner of his forehead making him easily recognizable. "I'm Fives!" The one next to him nudged him "rude you didn't introduce me. I'm Echo". "That's Hardcase, Chopper, Wrench and Kix". As each one was pointed out they made a slight gesture towards themselves. "Heya!" The trio said in unison before giggling uncontrollably. "Why does this always happen?" Again in perfect unison. More giggles erupted from the kids. "Hey your like us!" The clones replied in unison before looking at each other strangely. "Well that's never happened before" Blaster said "we'll never been that long anyway." "Do you do pranks too?" Tasha asks. "Yessssssss" they responded nodding together. Blaster had a huge grin plastered on his face. "I'm Prank King. Outrank everyone in the legion with the pranks I pull off!" "Exactly the same" the trio agreed. "You guys should hang out with us. You could get in so much trouble". Fives chuckled but stopped to glare at Bones and hold his head as he received a slap on the back of it. "Don't give them ideas" Bones says matching Fives glare. The trio smiled evilly.
"Bucket head" Echo muttered. Rex simply shook his head disapprovingly and glanced at Shadow as he walked over. Tasha and Ouno where whispering in earnest. "What's up?" Shadow asks looking at everyone. "Hello!" Tasha and Ouno said, Amarilla just a beat behind them. "How do you do that? Every time..." He chuckled "you guys must be linked by some bond. My name is Shadow." "They think they're twins" Amarilla agreed. "I'm Amarilla and the twins are Tasha and Ouno". They waved to him and smiled. "Nice to meet you" Shadow dipped his head to them. Rex cut in "hey boys can you take care of them for a bit. I got to clean armor, take a shower and get the 501st all settled". The group looked at each other having a mental conversation "alright we're in" They responded. Rex fixed them a look reading 'don't do anything stupid' before jogging off. "What do you guys do?" Ouno asks. A moment later Tasha piped up with "is it fun?" "Normally they wrestle" Kix says "me and Gauze sort medial supplies and Wrench builds". Blaster smirked "want to fire a blaster?" Like every kid would say the trio responded with a big fat "yes!!!" Bones eyes widened and after a millisecond snapped "no!" Replying to the sharpness of his tone the trio unleashed a variety of questions. "What?", "is it bad?" "Stop taking in sync!" Bones waited until they quieted down "not something we should be doing." Blaster chuckled "aw come on loosen up!" The kids smiled angelically at him. "We could use shinnies as targets, I mean it would only be stun bullets" Blaster says loving the idea. Bones narrowed his eyes "Blaster if you do that I'm using you as a target" he says adding extra emphasize on 'you'. This sparked a arguments different things being flung from Blaster them back to Bones.

The kids eyes moved from speaker to speaker as they leached intently. "Jeez you guys are five year olds I swear" Echo muttered watching his two brothers argue. The trio cracked up. Tasha curiously nudged a blaster. "What does this do?" All clones snap their attention and at the same time yell "don't touch that!" Tasha moved her hand away "what does it do then?" Wrench spoke up "it kills things depending what mode it's on." "Cool!" Tasha exclaimed. Ouno made a face, and Amarilla gave her a disapproving look. Kix made a blank face before adding "If it misfires it could kill one of us". Tasha's excitement fell "not so cool". "Yeah we've been hit before in a war zone, we don't need to be hit in barracks" Bones chuckled. "Yeah and I don't need to fix these gundarks up anymore then I have to" Kix laughed. "Hey!" Fives says "I take offense to that!" Kix shrugged and Echo sighed. Shadow looked down and Wrench looked at the ceiling. Hardcase glanced at each individual clone as memories flashed in all of their heads. "What's wrong?" Wrench snapped back to reality before replying "nothing" stoutly and walking away. "Okay.." Amarilla said uneasily. "It's almost time for our drills. Bye kids" they sigh and walk off. Bones stayed behind with them though. "Did we do something wrong?" Ouno asked, followed by a list of incessant questions. Bones not being able to process it at the moment kept quite. Rex came back looking clean, reenergized and put together "kids time to go back". "Aww. Can we come visit you again?" Amarilla asked smiling as adorably as she could. Rex resisted a smile "of course. But we might not al be here or as cheery. It's war kids. A good life lesson is that victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice. Also remember to never leave a man behind". The kids nodded solemnly. He noogied each one gently before walking off to attend to the drills. "Wow.." Tasha whispered, awed. "That was so cool" the others nodded. Ouno glanced at his watch "Poop!" Their heads snapped around. "What?!" "We were supposed to be asleep half an hour ago. And madam Jocasta checks on us in ten minutes!" The younglings raced off towards the temple, hoping that they could beat the clock.

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