She is a dream.

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The sun rose and another sleepless night was completed. I sat up and checked the time. 6:20am.
I dragged myself into the bathroom where I stared at myself. I hadn't looked in the mirror for awhile and I instantly regretted it when I did.
I flicked on the cold water before drenching my face in it, attempting to wake me.
I smothered my dripping face in a towel, and within the seconds my eyes were shut I felt a pair of hands around my waist.
I turned around to see Tom with a very tired expression.

"Morning.." He groaned with a slight smile.

"Good morning!" I said back with a happier tone.

"Feeling better..?" His eyes wonder around my face.

"I think so.." I didn't feel much of a difference but I wouldn't want him to worry.

"That's good. Did you get a good sleep?" He asks me with a questionable look.

"Mhm! I had lots of rest." I smiled at him.

I lied, but he doesn't need to know. Maybe I'll get better sleep tonight.
We both walked hand in hand, downstairs to the group.

"Hey Tomm!" Eden shout from the kitchen, completely forgetting about me.

"Uhm hi?" Tom replies back with confusion.

"Want to come with me to go shopping? Bill is busy!" She says now eyeing me.

"I have to get Aurelia to the doctors just wait for Bill." Tom answered with a cold voice I hadn't heard In awhile.

Although, I did feel relief wash over me. I don't know what was up with Eden but she acted weird towards Tom.
Eden groaned and stomped into the living room while Tom made me some breakfast.

"Tom.." I mumbled and caught his eye.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I know I need to eat but maybe I could after the doctors..? I really hate throwing up.." I admitted, feeling a bit guilty.

"Of course. Only if you have something later though okay?" He kissed me on the top of my head and resumed cooking for the group.

I smiled and joined Eden who sat alone on the sofa.

"Hey Eden!" I sighed.

"Hello." She grumbled with anger.

"Something wrong?" I ask her.

I then heard her mumble something but I brushed it off by her replying saying nothing was wrong.

"There's my girl!" Bill beamed and ran up to Eden.
She looked at him as if she was disgusted.

"Hey Aur! How you feeling?" Bill asked me while wrapping his arm around the girl.

"Fine I guess..!" I might of sounded rude but I was too busy watching Eden scoff and look genuinely unhappy with Bill.

"Breakfast is ready!" Tom yells from the other room.

"Come on!" Bill smiled and pulled Eden along with him.

"Yep, Aurelia Rees." I told the nurse that took my details.

"Great! Sit down and your name should be called shortly." The woman replied back and gestured me to sit.

Me and Tom sat down on the uncomfortable waiting chairs.

"Don't be scared, I'm sure your fine." Tom reassured me and that brought ease to my mind.

I nodded and slumped back in my chair. I was never a very patient person.

"Miss Aurelia Rees?" A male doctor called out from across the room.

Evil touch - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now